Quotbr VYU Vieques Youth United br VJZ Vier Jahreszeitenbr VBJ Vietnam Biotechnology Journalbr VIJ Vietnam Investment Journal br VJM Vietnam Journal of Mathematicsbr VKX Vietnam Korea Exchangebr VVW Vietnam Veteran Wivesbr VVA Vietnam Veterans of Americabr VWV Vietnam Women Veteransbr VAY Vietnamese Alliance Youthbr VGT View Graph Transparencybr VUQ View of Uncertainty Questionnairebr VJK Viggo Jarls Kollegiumbr VGY Vilaggyoztebr VJC Villa Julie Collegebr VIL villagebr VOK Village of Kewaskumbr VNJ VillaNova Junctionbr VJQ Vilnius Jazz Quartetbr VMY Vincentian Marian Youthbr VHO Vineyard Housing Officebr VHV Vintage Hudson Valleybr VPW Vintage Power Wagonbr VRJ Vintage Racecar Journalbr VVT Vintage Vee Todaybr VWX Vinyl Worksbr VMQ VinylMethylSiliconebr VZL Vinzoladine br VRT Violence and Racial Tensionbr VLN violinbr VLE violone doublebass violbr VAX Virgin At Xerox br VXC Virgin Cross Countrybr VBH Virginia Baptist Homes br VCE Virginia Cooperative Extensionbr VEA Virginia Education Association br VFH Virginia Foundation for the Humanitiesbr VGS Virginia Genealogical Societybr VJI Virginia Judo Incorporatedbr VMI Virginia Military Institutebr VPI Virginia Polytechnic Institutebr VQU Virginia Quilters Unlimitedbr VTJ Virginia Turfgrass Journal br VUU Virginia Union Universitybr VWW Virginia Woolf Webbr VYD Virginia Young Democrats br VYR Virginia Young Readers br VBB VIRGO Blue Bookbr VPB VIRGO Purple Bookbr VWJ Virtua West Jerseybr VVY Virtuaali Vaeen Yhdistysbr VWY Virtuaalisten Welshien Ystaevaetbr VXT Virtual Axis Tiltbr VDI Virtual Device Interfacebr VDX Virtual Document eXchangebr VEM Virtual Electron Microscope br VXE Virtual Executing Environmentbr VXB Virtual Extended Busbr VXD Virtual Extended Devicebr VFN Virtual Filesystem Networkbr VGP Virtual Geomagnetic Polebr VGU Virtual Global Universitybr VHG Virtual HyperGlossarybr VIQ Virtual Inhibitory Quotient br VIO Virtual InputOutputbr VJR Virtual Jazz Realitybr VJU Virtual Jewish Universitybr VJS Virtual Job Shadowbr VKO Virtual KnockOutbr VKN Virtual Knowledge Networkbr VMB Virtual Machine Bootbr VMM Virtual Machine Managerbr VMN Virtual Machine Networkbr VMS Virtual Machine Systembr VMA Virtual Memory Addressbr VMX Virtual Memory eXchangebr VME Virtual Mode Extensionsbr VMO Virtual Molecular Orbitalbr VMP Virtual MultiPortingbr VNH Virtual Naval Hospitalbr VNA Virtual Network Architecturebr VNC Virtual Network Computerbr VNF Virtual Network Featurebr VNS Virtual Network Systembr VNY Virtual New York br VNZ Virtual New Zealandbr VNW Virtual North Woodsbr VOH Virtual Office Hoursbr VPX Virtual Path Crossconnectbr VPL Virtual Path Linkbr VPN Virtual Private Networkbr VPG Virtual Proving Groundbr VRW Virtual Racing Worldbr VRK Virtual Republic of Kansai br VSF Virtual Software Factorybr VST Virtual Studio Technologybr VSX Virtual System Extensionbr VTD Virtual Tape Device br VTP Virtual Terminal Protocolbr VUN Virtual United Nationsbr VUG Virtual University Gazettebr VUJ Virtual University Journalbr VUI Virtual User Interfacebr VUS Virtual Users System br VVN Virtual Verse Networks br VVD Virtual Video Deckbr VVR Virtual Viewing Roombr VVC Virtual Visitor Center br VWH Virtual WareHouse br VWN Virtual Wellness Networkbr VWI quotVirtual Works Industries Inc. televisionbr RLB Red Latinoamericana de Botanicabr RRV Red River Valleybr RRZ Red River Zonebr RYG Red Yellow Green Past Performance Informationbr RIO Redistributed Internet Objectbr RBY Redlands Baseball for Youthbr RLJ Redressement Liquidation Judiciaire br RIR Reduced Ignition Relaybr RQD Reduced Quantity Generatorbr RQG Reduced Quantity Generatorbr RAA Reductio ad absurdum mathematics reduction to the ridiculousbr RIL Reduction In Leadtimebr RUP Reduction in Unit Publicationsbr RIY Reduction In Yieldbr RBR Reductive Burning Recoverybr RYB RedYellowBluebr RQT Reenlistment Qualification Testbr RSG Reenlistment Steering Groupbr REY Reentrybr RMV Reentry Measurement Vehiclebr REF Refer tobr RTD Refer to Drawer br RDB Reference Data Bookletbr RXG Reference Extra Grade br RPR Reference Picture Resampling br RRL Reference Repository Locationbr RRI Reference Roughness Indexbr RZH Reference ZerahHansen br ZZZ refers to increasing intensity of contractionbr RZY Reform Zionist Youthbr RQX Reformulated Query Vector br RXF Refracted Xray Fluorescencebr RFX Refrigerated Food Express br RFL Refuelbr RFV Refueling Floor Valvebr RHO Refueling Hold Orderbr RYQ Regarding Your Querybr RTH Regency Town Housebr RBQ Regie du Batiment du Quebecbr RCQ Regie du Cinema du Quebecbr RJU Regime Juridico Unico br RXO Regimental Executive Officerbr RHQ Regimental HeadQuartersbr REC Regional Engineering Centerbr RHC Regional Holding Companybr RJX Regional Jet Experimentalbr RNM Regional Negotiating Machinery br RNN Regional NOCN Nodebr RNO Regional Nuclear Optionbr RQO Regional Quarters Officer br RLK Regionale Landschaftspflegekonzeptbr RLZ Regionalen Leistungszentrum Kunstturnenbr RVZ Regionaler Volleyballverband Zuerichbr RIK Regionales Integrationskonzept br RUZ Regionales UmweltbildungsZentrum br RZU Regionalplanung Zuerich und Umgebung br RVK Regionalverkehr Koelnbr RDH Registered Dental Hygientistbr REH Registered Executive Housekeeperbr RGN Registered General Nursebr RHU Registered Health Underwriterbr RPH Registered PHarmacistbr RAB Registrar Accreditation Board br RRJ Registration ReJect br RRQ Registration Request br RHF Regular High Frequency br RWA Regular Workload Assignment br RAQ Regularly Asked Question br RZB Regulated Zone Boundary br REG REGulation br RIN Regulatory Identifier Number br RHB ReHeat Blow moulding br RJF Reichsbund Juedischer Frontsoldaten br RZM Reichzeugmeistereider br RVP Reid Vapor Pressure br RXK Reihe und Kolonne br RST Reinforced Steel Tie br REJ Reject Not Usedbr RQL Rejectable Quality Levelbr RIG Related Interest Groupbr RBE Relative Biological Effectivenessbr RDN Relative Distinguished Namebr RMM Relative Molecular Massbr RQY Relative Quantum Yield br RSF Relative Sensitivity Factorbr RUV Relative Updated Valuebr RVG Relative Value Guide br RVU Relative Value Unitbr RDW Relativistic Distorted Wavebr RZZ Relativzuchtwertz Zuchtleistungbr RKL Relevant Knowledge Limitedbr RQC Reliability and Quality Controlbr RQA Reliability and Quality Assurancebr RIW Reliability Improvement Warrantybr RDM Reliably Delivered Messagebr REL RELievebr RLV Relievebr RKW Religioesen Kinderwochebr RVR Reload Verification Reportbr RMH Relocatable Maintenance Hangarbr RMN Remainbr RFY Remaining Fiscal Yearsbr RMK Remarkbr RNQ quotReminded No Questionsquotbr RAU Remote Acquisition Unitbr RAI Remote Alarm Indicationbr RBH Remote Bridge Hubbr RCO Remote Communications Outletbr RDU Remote Display Unitbr REK Remote Equipment Kitbr RXC Remote Execution Controlbr RXE Remote Expansion Enclosurebr RFH Remote Frame Handlerbr RHE Remote Hellfire Electronicsbr RIX Remote Information eXchangebr RJE Remote Job Entrybr RJO Remote Job Outputbr RJP Remote Job Processingbr RKV Remote Keying Variablebr RKE Remote Keyless Entrybr RLN Remote LAN Nodebr RLU Remote Latch Unitbr RLT Remote Line Testbr RMI Remote Magnetic Indicatorbr ROB Remote Order Bufferbr RPU Remote Pickup Unitbr RSH Remote SHell br RSU Remote Software Update br RTU Remote Terminal Unit br RUA Remote User Agent br RUM Remote User Multiplex br RVT Remote Video Terminal br RVD Remote Virtual Disk br ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle Partly Usedbr RPV Remotely Piloted Vehicle br RTC Removable Top Closure br REW Renewable Energy World br RHM Renewed Hope Ministries br RSK Renn Sport Kurz br RGJ Reno GazetteJournal br ROP Reorder point br ROQ Reorder quantity br RPB Repair Parts Buildingbr RSB Repair Service Bureaubr RXA Repairable eXchange Activitybr RSI Repetitive Strain Injurybr RTI Repetitive Talk Injurybr RPT reportbr RGL Report Generator Language br RGT Report Generator Toolbr RRH Report of Records Holdingsbr ROS Reporter On Sciencebr REP Representativebr ROI Republic Of Irelandbr ROK Republic Of Koreabr RVN Republic of Vietnambr REQ Requestbr RFB Request For Bidbr RFI Request For Information br RPQ Request for Price Quotationbr RPA Request for Project Authorizationbr RFP Request For Proposalsbr RFQ Request For Quotationbr RFS Request For Service br RFT Request For Tenderbr RFW Request For Waiverbr RQH Request Handler br RQP Request Permissionbr RQJ Request Queue Jumpbr RIP Requiescat In Pace br RQR Requirebr RLD Required Load Datebr REE Requirements Engineering Environmentbr RRG Requirements Review Groupbr RVS Requirements Validation Studybr RWG Requirements Working Groupbr RQN Requisitionbr RXQ RequisitionQuickbr RSQ Rescuebr RQW Rescue Wingbr RAD Research and Developmentbr RDI Research and Development Institutebr RSE Research and Systems Engineeringbr RCZ Research Council of Zimbabwebr REB Research Earth Borerbr REU Research Experiences for Undergraduatesbr RJG Research Journal Guidelinesbr RNF Research Network Forum br RON Research Octane Numberbr RUO Research Use Only br RVC Research Volume Costbr RJI Reseau Jeunesse Ignatien br RNH Reserva Natural e Historicabr REZ Reservationbr RBZ Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe br RHH Residence Hall Honorarybr RCE Resident Command Extensionbr RBB Residential BroadBandbr RCD Residual Current Device br RVQ Residual Vector Quantizationbr RSW Resistance Spot Weldingbr RNJ Resistencia Nacional de la Juventudbr RKY Resmi Kalkinma Yardimibr RLA Resonant Laser Ablationbr RXS Resonant Xray Scatteringbr RVB Resonating Valence Bondbr RXR Resource Exchange Register br RIU Resource Information Unitbr RIA Resource Inventory and Assessmentbr RLP Resource Location Protocolbr RUE Resource Utilization Explorerbr RUG Resource Utilization Groupbr RQB Respiration Quotient Breakpoint br RNX Respiratory Neuron Homeoboxbr ROW Rest Of the Worldbr RJM Restorative Justice Ministrybr RAL Restricted Access Locationbr RDT Restricted Data Transmissionbr RKB Restricted Kinetic Balancebr ROZ Restricted Operations Zonebr RES restrictionbr RGQ Retail Gas Quadrant br RMX Retail Multimedia Expositionbr RPI Retail Price Indexbr RQM Retail Quote Masterbr RSP Retail Stockage Policybr RKX Retime Kernel Extractbr RPE Retinal Pigment Epitheliumbr RET Retiredbr RYE Retirement Year Ending br RTB ReTransmission Buffer br RJK Retrievernes Jagthundeklubbr RDZ Rettungsdienst Zugbr RZR Rettungszentrum Regensburgbr RAR Return Address Registerbr RBV Return Beam Vidiconbr RDD Return Data Delaybr ROJ Return of the Jedibr RZX Return to Zero for any Xbr RZL Return to Zero Levelbr RZI quotReturn to Zero Invertedquotbr RZN quotReturn to Zero Noninvertedquotbr RBK Returnedbr RNU Returnedbr RPY Returnedbr RYC Returned Your Callbr RVA Reuse Value Addedbr REV Revelations New Testamentbr RAO Revenue Accounting Officebr RPK Revenues per kilometerbr RBW Reverse Band Workingbr RVI Reverse Interruptbr RPN Reverse Polish Notation a way of entering data into handheld computers that does not use the equals sign br RVW reviewbr RID Review Item Dispositionbr RYU Revolutionary Youth Union br RPM Revolutions Per Minutebr RKU Revoluutionaer Kommunistisk Ungdombr RVJ Revue de Vulgarisation Juridiquebr RIQ Revue Informatique Quebecoise br RUN Rewind and Unloadbr RWD Rework Deficienciesbr RKJ Reykjavic br RNZ Rhein Neckar Zeitungbr RJZ Rheinfelden Jugendzentrumbr RHZ RheinHunsrueckZeitung br RWJ RheinischWestfaelische Jaeger br RWZ RheinischWestfaelische Zeitschrift br RZE Rheumazentrum Regensburg br RHJ Rhinestone Hair Jewelbr PXY Rho Chi Upsilonbr RIH Rhode Island Hospital br RRK Rhodesian Ridgeback Klubbenbr RNB Rhythm N Bluesbr RBT Ribbon Bridge Transporterbr RNA RiboNucleic Acid br RNP Ribonucleoproteinbr RBJ Rice Bowl Journalbr RQI Rice Quantum Institute br RXB Rich Extended Basicbr RTF Rich Text Formatbr RWB Rich White Boybr RJR Richard Joshua Reynolds tobacco pioneerbr RSY Richmond School Yorkshirebr RYF Richmond Youth Forumbr RBX Ricoh Business Excellence br RKS Rid och Koerklubben Shetlandbr RYD Ridayhbr RTN Ridings Television Newsbr RJA Rigas Juridiskas Augstskolasbr RJL Rigel Energybr RHX Right Hand Exchangebr RHR Right Hand Rulebr RHT Right Hand Turnbr RLL Right Lower Lobebr RLQ Right Lower Quadrant medical abbreviation for area of the abdomenbr RMB Right Mouse Buttonbr ROX Right On TargetXbr ROT Right On Time br RSD Right Side Downbr RTL Right To Left br RUL Right Upper Lobebr RUQ Right Upper Quadrantbr RWT Right When Testedbr RVF Righteous Voluntary Forcebr RHP RightHanded Pitcherbr RHV RightHanded Vehiclebr RWX RightWing eXtremistbr RUU Rijksuniversiteit Utrechtbr RLG Ring Laser Gyroscopebr RTJ Ring Type Jointbr REN Ringer Equivalence Numberbr RGE Rio Grande Energiabr RGV Rio Grande Valleybr RTZ Rio Tinto Zincbr RPC Risc Personal Computerbr RJC Risen Jesus Christbr RAG Risk Assessment Guidelinebr RAP Risk Aversion Planbr RDK Risk Developers Kitbr RMQ Risk Management Querybr RPP Risley Prism Pairbr RZJ Risszeichnungsjournalbr RCT RitcheyChretien Telescope br RVX River Crossing RiVer Xingbr RRE River Raft Excursionsbr RVE River Valley Energybr RDX Road Crossing RoaD Xingbr RGF Road Goes on Foreverbr RKC Road Kill Cafebr RKQ Roadkill Quarterlybr RXP Roaming eXchange Protocolbr RGC Roanoke Gas Companybr RFK Robert F. quotbr UKF Universal Kenpo Federationbr UKO Universal Kickboxing Organizationbr UKM Universal Kill Moniker br ULW Universal Latent Workstation br UMA Universal Measurement Architecturebr UOP Universal Oil Products br UOT Universal Oxidation Testbr UPF Universal Page Formatbr UPM Universal Permissive Modulesbr UPU Universal Postal Unionbr UQJ Universal Quick Joint br URG Universal Radio Groupbr URL Universal Resource Locator br USB Universal Serial Busbr USH Universal Sleeve Housingbr USJ Universal Studios Japan br UTD Universal Theory of Diffraction br UTC Universal Time Coordination br UTN Universal Town Networkbr UTM Universal Transverse Mercatorbr UVG Universal Voice Gradebr UZE Universal Z Enginebr UZN Universal Zulu Nationbr UYF Universalist Youth Fellowshipbr UAV Universally Accepted Valuebr UNZ Universelle Nietzangenbr UAQ Universidad Autonoma de Queretarobr UCV Universidad Central de Venezuela br UES Universidad de El Salvadorbr UNQ Universidad Nacional de Quilmes br URU Universidad Rafael Urdaneta br UFG Universidade Federal de Goisbr UFU Universidade Federal de Uberlandiabr UFV Universidade Federal de Vicosabr UOV Universidade Online de Vicosa br UZK Universitaet zu Koelnbr UZZ Universitaet ZuerichZentrum VAAbr UKJ Universitaets Kinder und Jugendklinikbr UKK Universitaets Klinikum Kielbr UFK Universitaetsfrauenklinik br USZ Universitaetsspital Zuerich br UVK Universitaetsverlag Konstanz br UWZ Universitaetswassersportzentrum br UZF Universitaetszentrum fuer Friedensforschung br UKZ Universitair Kinder Ziekenhuis br PUZ Universitarias de Zaragozabr UIJ Universitas Islam Djakarta br UII Universitas Islam Indonesiabr UJI Universitat Jaume I br UTV Universitaumlts Televisionbr ULG Universite de Liegebr ZXY Universite de Liege Bibliothequebr UEH Universite dEtat dHaiti br UIB Universitetet i Bergenbr UIO Universitetet i Oslobr UBK Universitetets Bridgeklub br UUK Universities United Kingdombr UCA University amp College Admissionsbr UAS University Admissions Systembr UNJ University at New Jerusalembr UBS University Book Storesbr UCH University College Hospital Londonbr UCB quotUniversity College Belfastquotbr UCD quotUniversity College Dublinquotbr UCL quotUniversity College London quotbr UEG University English Group br UNX University Extensionbr UFY University for Youthbr UGE University General Educationbr UGU University Graduates Union br UGC University Grants Committee br UGQ University Guest Quartersbr UHN University Health Network br UHO University Honors Organization br UHW University Hospital of Walesbr UJB University Judicial Board br ULR University Learning Requirementsbr UNN University Neighborhood Networkbr UAH University of AlabamaHuntsvillebr UAK University of AlasKa br UAF University of Alaska Fairbanksbr UAZ University of Arizonabr UBU University of Bristol Unionbr UBC University of British Columbiabr UCI University of California at Irvinebr UOC University of Canterburybr OKX University of Central Oklahomabr UCO University of Central Oklahomabr UDQ University of Dayton Quarterly br UEA University of East Angliabr UFL University of FLoridabr UFX University of Foreign Exchangebr UOG University Of Guelph Ontariobr UHH University of Hawaii at Hilobr UHM University of Hawaii at Manoabr UNH University of Hew Hampshirebr UOH University Of Houstonbr UIC University of Illinois Chicagobr UOJ University of Jaffna br UKS University of Kansasbr UKT University of Kent Troglodytesbr UKY University of Kentuckybr ULV University of La Vernebr ULO University of London Observatorybr ULU University of London Unionbr ULM University of Louisiana at Monroebr UMU University of Manchester Unionbr UMF quotUniversity of Michigan Flint quotbr UMS University of Mississippibr UNP University of Nagoya Pressbr UNV University of Nevadabr UNR University of NevadaRenobr UNW University of Northern Washingtonbr UOA University of Ohio Akronbr UOX University of Oxfordbr UPB University of Pittsburgh at Bradford br UPG University of Pittsburgh at Greensburgbr UPJ University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown PA br UQG University of Queensland Gattonbr UTK University of Tennessee at Knoxvillebr UTA quotUniversity of Texas Arlington quotbr UIW University of the Incarnate Wordbr UWI University of the West Indiesbr UWE University of the West of England in Bristolbr UTQ University of Toronto Quarterly br UUC University of Ulster at Colerainebr UUJ University of Ulster at Jordanstownbr UOU University of Utahbr UVM University of Vermontbr UVT University of VermonTbr UWF University of West Floridabr UWV University of West Virginiabr UWO University of Western Ontariobr UWP University of Wisconsin Plattevillebr UWY University of Wyomingbr UOY University Of York br YYU University of Yuzuncu Yil br UOZ University of Zimbabwe br UOE University Outreach and Extensionbr UQE University Qualifying Examinationbr URN University Radio Nottinghambr URY University Radio Yorkbr URP University Research Programbr URH University Residence Hallbr UTG University Transfer Guidebr UWN University Wide Network br UWW University Without Walls br UYC University Yacht Clubbr UYW University Young Womenbr UYX University Youth Exchangebr URZ Univesitaetsrechenzentrumbr UMK Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernikabr UJK Uniwersytetu Jana Kazimierza br UXQ UNIX Exchange Quantitybr UAU Unix for Advanced Usersbr ULE UNIX Line Editorbr UQX UNIX Query Exchangebr UXS Unix Securitybr UUX Unix to Unixbr UUG UNIX User Groupbr UUE UnixtoUnix Encodingbr UNK Unknownbr UKA UnKnown Abbreviationbr UUW Unlawful Use of a Weapon br UON Unless Otherwise Notedbr ULB UnLighted Buoybr UNL Unlimitedbr UUL Unlimited User Licensebr USM Unlisted Securities Marketbr UVW Unloaded Vehicle Weightbr UYM Unlock Your Mindbr UYP Unlocking Your Potentialbr UGV Unmanned Ground Vehiclebr URW Unmoderated Russian Womenbr UXZ Unofficial Exchange Zonebr USK Unofficial Soup Kitchenbr UPK UnPacKbr UPA UnPack Areabr UPQ Unpentquadiumbr UBM Unpressurized Berthing Mechanismbr UQB Unquadbiumbr UQH Unquadhexiumbr UQN Unquadnilium br UQQ Unquadquadiumbr UQW Unqualified Womanbr UDE Unreal Development Environmentbr UNB Unreasonable Backward sequence Numberbr UNF Unreasonable Forward sequence Numberbr URQ UnRegistration Requestbr UKB Unrestricted Kinetic Balancebr UMV Unrestricted Motion Vectorbr USQ Unreviewed Safety Questionbr UPE Unsaturated PolyEsterbr UZM Unsaturated Zone Monitoringbr UZR Unsaturated Zone Rating br UIF Unserviceable Items Filebr UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair cablingbr UBE Unsolicited Bulk Emailbr UCE Unsolicited Commercial Emailbr UJV Unterfraenkische Jugendvertretung br UVO Unterrichtsvorbereitungenbr UFA Until Further Advised br UFN Until Further Noticebr UUH Ununhexiumbr UUN Ununniliumbr UUQ Ununquadium br UUU Unununium br UOF Unusual Order Form br ULS Update of Legacy Systems br UZC Updated Zwicky Catalog br UAO Upper Airway Obstruction br UAG Upper Atmosphere Geophysics br UDD Upper Distribution Duct br UIU Upper Iowa University br ULP Upper Layer Process br UMP Upper Mantle Project br UMB Upper Memory Block Victoria And Albert museum in Londonbr URT Upper Respiratory Tract br URI Upper Respiratory tract Infection br UUZ Upper Unsaturated Zone br UWR Upper West Regional Hospital Ghana br UYV Upper Yadkin Valleybr UYB Upper Yangtze Basinbr UYR Upper Yough Riverbr UZQ Upper Zone of Qualitybr ULJ UpsalaLenna Jernvaegbr UGJ Upstate Gardeners Journal br UNY Upstate New Yorkbr UTH UpTheHillbr UBY Upward Bound Youth br UJD Urad Jadroveho Dozoru br UGW Uranium Groundwater br UYQ Uranium Yield Quantitybr UHY Urbach Hacker Young accountancybr UJJ UrbainJeanJoseph Le Verrier astronomerbr UED Urban and Environmental Developmentbr UBO Urban Box Officebr UCC Urban Cookie Collective band br UDV Urban Data Visualizationbr UDZ Urban Development Zoningbr UDC Urban District Councilbr UEZ Urban Enterprise Zonebr UEM Urban Environmental Management br UEK Urban Eskimo Kayaking br UJX Urban Jazz Experiencebr UJG Urban Jazz Groove br UJQ Urban Jazz Quintet br UJP Urban Johannesburg Projectbr UJW Urban Journalism Workshop br UJE Urban Junction Eastbr ULI Urban Land Institutebr ULZ Urban Legend Zeitgeistbr UMX Urban Music Experiencebr UYY Urban Youth and Yogabr UYG Urban Youth Golfbr UZA Urbanized ZoneAreabr UZU Ured Za Udrugebr UHK Uredjaje Hidraulicne Kocionebr UVJ Ureterovesical Junctionbr UEW Urethane Enameled Wirebr UJC Urgency Justification Codebr UND Urgency of Need Designatorbr UPZ Urgent Protectiveaction Zone br UTI Urinary Tract Infectionbr UXV Urine volume by Flow ratebr UHG Urology Healthcare Groupbr UYU Uruguaiano Pesobr UZP Urzad Zamowien Publicznych br IYZ US Telecommunications Sector Index Fundbr IYY US Total Market Index Fundbr UBI Usage Billing Informationbr URB USB Request Blockbr UAI Use As Is br UBX Used Boat Exchangebr UEX Used Equipment Exchange br UGR Used Goods Returnbr UBH Usenet Binary Harvester br UNG USENET News Groupbr UVV Usenet Volunter Votetakersbr UAN User Access Nodebr UBD User Brain Damagebr UCN User Circuit Number br UDH User Data Headerbr UDW User Data Wordbr UDP User Datagram Protocolbr UDO User Defined Object br UEV User End of Volumebr UGN User Group Networkbr UHL User Head Labelbr UIM User Identity Modulebr UIX User Interface and Executive br UIR User Interface Requirementbr UMD User Manager for Domainsbr UNI User Network Interfacebr UPP User Partnership Programbr UPL User Program Languagebr USI User System Interfacebr UTB User Test Bedbr UTO User Test Organizationbr UVL User Volume Labelbr UWG User Working Groupbr UHD Useracutes Help Desk br ULQ Users of LinuxQuebecbr UPR Users Performance Requirementbr UQT Users Question Timebr UQA Users Questions and Answersbr UQF Users Questions Forumbr UQP Users Questions Procedurebr UUI UsertoUser Interfacebr UIG Using Information in Government br USU Usuallybr UCJ Utah Coalition for Justice br UEN Utah Education Networkbr UEC Utah Environmental Congressbr UJN Utah Jazz Newsbr UOL Utah Open Landsbr URK Utah Robotics lab Kitbr UWJ Utah Water Journalbr UYN Utah Youth Networkbr UHZ Utahs Hogle Zoo br UYH Utano Youth Hostel br UJH Utica Junior Highbr UXT Utility Excise Taxbr UWU Utility Workers Union br URO Utilization Review Organizationbr UDG UTMC Urban Traffic Management and Control Development Group br UBV Utrecht Biologen Verenigingbr UZO Utrecht Zuidholland Orieenteringbr UJS Utriusque Juvis Doctorbr UJU Utstillings og Juryutvalget br UYK Uusyrityskeskuksistabr UIY Uyghur Internet Yeziqi br UZB Uzbekistanbr UZS Uzbekistan Sum currencybr UZJ Uzbekiston Zoologlar Jamyiyatibr VYY Vaasan Yliopiston Ylioppilaskuntabr VAC vacant br VBS Vacation Bible School br VXQ Vaccination Record Querybr VED Vacuum Electron Devicebr VFD Vacuum Fluorescent Displaybr VGO Vacuum Gas Oilbr VIM Vacuum Induction Meltingbr VTV Vacuum Tube Valley br VUV Vacuum UltraVioletbr VWK Vacuum Waste Kitbr VZJ Vadose Zone Journal br VZO Vadose Zone Observatory br VXU Vaexjoe Universitetbr VZS Valdez Southbr VZW Valdez Westbr VCI Valence Configuration Interactionbr VDZ Valence Double Zetabr VEO Valence Electron Onlybr VFF Valence Force Fieldbr VTZ Valence Triple Zetabr VIF Valencypoint Interaction Formulabr VYA Valentine Young Associates br VBC Valid Bit Controllerbr VWG Validation Working Groupbr VVK Vallensbaek Volleyballklubbr VLY Valleybr VAL valley br VBY Valley Baptist Youthbr VFO Valley Forge Operationsbr VHJ Valley Health Journalbr QIX Valley Hospital Medical Librarybr VJY Valley Jewish Youthbr VLO Valley Light Operabr VRH quotValley Regional Hospital Claremont New Hampshirequotbr VYP Valley Yellow Pages br VYH Valley Youth Hockey br VYN Valley Youth Networkbr VYT Valley Youth Theatre br VYC Valleyo Yacht Club br ZFQ Vallivue Middle School Media Centerbr VRQ Valorisation RechercheQuebecbr VUA Valorous Unit Awardbr VQY Valosin Peptidebr VAP Value Added Productbr VAS Value Added Servicebr VAT Value Added Tax br VFM Value For Money auditbr VRN Value Retail Newsbr VBM ValueBased Managementbr VBP ValueBased Pricing br VPP ValuePayable Post br VEY Values of Eccentricity and Yawbr VIE Valve Instrument Equipmentbr VTM Valve Test Manifoldbr VVL ValVista Lakesbr VDH Valvular Disease of the Heartbr VDK Van de Kamps food brandbr WZI Van der WaalsZeeman Institute br VDL Van Diemens Landbr VGG Van GoghGoghs Sketch Comedy Groupbr VZN Van Zandt Newspapersbr VZA Van Zeeland Associates br VGQ Vancouver Guitar Quartetbr VKC Vancouver Kayaking Clubbr VSE Vancouver Stock Exchangebr VUH Vanderbilt University Hospitalbr VCS Vane Control System br VNN Vanguard News Networkbr VKW VanKeulen amp Winchester Lumber Company br VPD Vapor Phase Decompositionbr VPO Vapor Pressure Osmometrybr VPC VaporPhase Chromatographybr VZB Varazdinska Banka br VAV Variable Air Volumebr VBR Variable Bit Ratebr VXO Variable Crystal Oscillator br VCT Variable Cycle Technologybr VDF Variable Digital Filterbr VEL Variable Enlistment Legislationbr VEF Variable Explanation Formatbr VGW Variable Geometry Wingbr VHA Variable Housing Allowancebr VIV Variable Inlet Vanebr VKF Variable Key Functionbr VLI Variable Life Insurance br VPT Variable Power Throughoutbr VPS Variable Print Specificationbr VQP Variable Quadratic Propagatorbr VQL Variable Quantizing Levelbr VRB Variable Reenlistment Bonusbr VRV Variable Refrigerant Volumebr VSL Variable Safety Levelbr VSM Variable Screening Modelbr VSC Variable Speed Couplingbr VSH Variable Spring Hangerbr VAW VAriable Wavelengthbr XBB quotVariable BetaBinomialquotbr VFP Variance Frequency Processorbr VAR Variant br VGX Variational Graphics Extendedbr VZR Varicella roster Retinitus br VZI Varicella Zoster Infection br VZV VaricellaZoster Virusbr VVQ Varicose Veins Questionnairebr VDY Varieties of Delinquent Youthbr VXV Varimetrix Visionbr VLG Varying Localized Geminalbr VII Vatican Council IIbr VTS Vault Tracking Systembr VIA VAX Information Architecturebr VUP VAX Unit of Performancebr VDN Vector Directory Networkbr VFZ Vector Format for Zooming br VML Vector Markup Languagebr VPF Vector Product Formatbr VQF Vector Quantization Formatbr VQQ Vector Quantization Qualitybr VQC Vector Quantizing Codebr VRF Vector Relational Formatbr VTI quotVector Technology Inc. is and in to a was not you i of it the be he his but for are this that by on at they with which she or from had we will have an what been one if would who has her. Johnson amp Son Companybr SKY Sabbath Keeping Youth Statens Kaernkraftinspektionbr ZZX quotSable Island Papua New Guinea quotbr SHV Safe High Voltagebr SUI Safer Use of Internetbr SFV Safety of Fishing Vesselsbr SOW Safety Of Workbr SOZ Safety On Zonebr STS Sail Training Shipbr YUI Saint Francis Hospital Medical Librarybr SJG Saint James the Greaterbr SJD Saint John the Divinebr SJH Saint Josephs Hospitalbr KNA Saint Kitts And Nevis ISO letter country codebr SLB Saint Louis Browns Statens Kaernkraftinspektionbr SXU Saint Xavier Universitybr SNE Salary NonExemptbr SLY Salem Lutheran Youthbr QWJ Salisbury Massachusetts Public Librarybr STZ Salsa Tanzclub Zuerichbr SHI Salzburg Holz Industriebr SAA Same As Above br SDM Samsonov Density Meterbr ZXD quotSan Isidro Dominican Republicquotbr SJV San Joaquin Valleybr ZJO quotSan Jose California Airportquotbr SJY San Juan Yachtsbr SMN San Marino Networkbr STP Sanctae Theologiae Professor professor of sacred theology br SLL quotSandia Laboratories Livermorequotbr QXP SanScrip QuickCreateXP Course Customiser file extensionbr SYU Santa Ynez United Football Clubbr SYV Santa Ynez Valleybr SQV Saquinavirbr SGT SarGeanTbr SBI Satellite Broadcasting Interfacebr SDX Satellite Data Exchangebr SGG Satellite Gravity Gradiometrybr SNV Satellite News Vehiclebr SOL Satellite Of Lovebr SRR Satellite Reconnaissance Radio br STK Satellite Tool Kitbr SYZ Satyananda Yoga Zentrum br QXU Saugus Massachusetts Public Librarybr ZWX Savannah Georgia Coast Guard Air Stationbr SAY Save Americas Youthbr SOS Save Our Souls distress call br STY Save The Youthbr SYH Save Your Hidebr ZBY Sayaboury Laosbr SWC Scan With Compensationbr SIX Scandanavian Information Exchangebr SJM Scandinavian Journal of Managementbr SEM Scanning Electron Microscope br SFM Scanning Force Microscopebr STM Scanning Tunnelling Microscope br SGV Schifffahrtsgesellschaft des Vierwaldstaetterseesbr SHZ SchleswigHolsteinischer Zeitungsverlagbr ZQY Schmaling Memorial Public Librarybr SCT SchmidtCassegrain Telescopebr SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test americanbr SCH Schoolbr SLJ School Library Journalbr SWW School Without Wallsbr SZD quotSchottenstein Zox amp Dunn Co. br YMC Youth Missionary Corpsbr YMD Your Message Dated
Quotbr KFN Kaiser Ferdinands Nordbahnbr KAS Kalamazoo Astronomical Societybr KHU Kalamazoo Handicappers United br KND quotKaleva Norman Dickson School District Brethren Mich. Cast Alexandra Silk Roxanne Hall Maya Hills Angela AttisonScience Engineering and Technology GroupCast Samantha GDescription A celebration of beautiful black women in all their grandeur and glory. br DYJ Do Yourself Justice br DYZ Dockyard Zonebr DCL Doctor of Civil Lawbr DDS Doctor of Dental Surgery br LLD Doctor of Laws legum doctorbr LJD Doctor of Letters of Journalism br DMD Doctor of Medical Dentistry br PHD Doctor of Philosophy br DPM Doctor of Podiatic Medicine br SCD Doctor of Science br CHD Doctor of Surgery Latn Chirugiae Doctorbr DVM Doctor of Vetinary Medicinebr VMD Doctor of Vetinary Medicinebr DBQ Document Based Questionbr DDC Document Design Centerbr DHE Document Handling Equipmentbr DLS Document Library Servicesbr DRR Document Release Recordbr DNI Documento Nacional de Identidad IDbr DBA Doing Business As br DIY DoItYourselfbr DSR Dolby Sound Reductionbr DOL Dollarbr ZWD Dollar Zimbabwe ISO currency codebr DMO Domain Management Organizationbr DNH Domain Name Handbookbr DNS Domain Name Serverbr DAO Dominion Astronomical Observatory br DAA Dominion Automobile Associationbr DXL Domino XML Languagebr DLJ quotDonaldson Lufkin Jenrette securities firmquotbr DYU DongYang University br DKY Donkeybr DFB Dont Fight Backbr DKM Dont Kid Mebr DNJ Dont kNow Jackbr DKW Dont Know Whybr DMM Dont Mock Mebr DMN Dont Move Nowbr DRY Dont Repeat Yourself chat roomsbr DTM Dont Time Mebr DWH Dont Walk Herebr DWU Dont Want yoU br DOP Doppelganger br DGV Doppler Global Velocimetrybr DZU Dorfzentrum Unterloisdorfbr DLR DOS LAN Requesterbr DJA Dotation aux Jeunes Agriculteursbr DLQ Dotmatrix Letter Qualitybr DPI Dots Per Inchbr DRV DouayRheims Version of the Biblebr DDY Double DutYbr DLK Double Lined Kraftbr DPF Double Point Failurebr DZD Double Zeta Diffusebr DZP Double Zeta Polarizationbr DDB DoubleDeclining Balancebr DSD DoubleSided Discbr DSA Doughnut Sufferers Anonymousbr DYH Dover Youth Hockeybr DJN Dow Jones Newswires br DJT Dow Jones Transportation stock indexbr DJU Dow Jones Utilities stock indexbr VXZ Dowling College Librarybr DWN DoWNbr DUZ Down Under Zonebr DUR Down Unloaded Restrictedbr DYW Downingtown Young Whippetsbr DTU Download The Universe br DSK DownStream Keyerbr DSQ DownStream Quartz br DVV Downward Vertical Velocitybr DOZ Dozenbr DZB DoZy Buggerbr DDJ Dr. We only index and link to content provided by other sites. BTRAThe Katholieke Universiteit Leuven A in English Catholic University of Leuven B abbreviated KU Leuven is a research university in the Dutchspeaking town of Leuven in Flanders Belgium
BTRAThe Katholieke Universiteit Leuven A in English Catholic University of Leuven B abbreviated KU Leuven is a research university in the Dutchspeaking town of Leuven in Flanders Belgium. KU Leuven is a member of the Coimbra Group a network of leading European universities as well as of the LERU Group League of European Research Universities. Also according to QS KU Leuvens Linguistics Medicine Biology Chemistry Materials Science Mathematics Finance Statistics Anthropology Communication Economics Education Politics Social Policy Sociology and Sports Science programs rank within the top. Jessa Rhodes cant get enough double penetration action in today and keeps rubbing her clit as both lads bang her holes real hard Finally the hot blonde kneels between both gentlemen and receives two massive cumshots straight into her mouth. br YNJ YesNoJAPAN Corporation br YNK Yngre Nuklearmedicineres Klubbr YNL Youre Not Listeningbr YNM You aNd Mebr YNN Youth News Network br YNO Yeungnam Observerbr YNP Yellowstone National Parkbr YNQ Yesterdays New Quintetbr YNR You have No Returnbr YNS You Know Squatbr YNT Young Neurologists and Traineesbr YNU Yokohama National Universitybr YNV Why Envybr YNW Youre Not Welcomebr YNX Upsilon Nu Chibr YNY Young New Yorkersbr YNZ Yachting New Zealandbr YOA Youth Orchestra Associationbr YOB Year Of Birthbr YOC Youth Opportunity Centerbr YOD Year of Diversity br YOE Youth Outreach Education br YOF Youth Outreach Foundation br YOG Yardcraft Oiler Gasoline naval vessel typebr YOH Your Own Hair br YOI Young Offenders Institutionbr YOJ Yankee Oscar Juliet br YOK Ylioppilaskylaesaeaetioen Kylaeverkkobr YOL Yellow OnLinebr YOM Youth on Mission br YON Fuel Oil Barge NonSelf Propelled US Naval Ship typebr YOO Youth Opportunities Officebr YOP Youth Opportunities Programmebr YOQ Your Own Questionbr YOR Youth Opportunities in Retailingbr YOS Years Of Servicebr YOT Yield Optimization Test br YOU Youth Opportunities Unlimitedbr YOV Yayasan Ohoivuur br YOW Year Of the Wombat br YOX Yttrium Oxide br YOY Youre On Your. The seal used by the university shows the medieval statue Our Lady of Leuven in a vesica piscis shape. of oil br BMR Basal Metabolic Ratebr BCO Base Central Officebr BDF Base Defense Forcebr BDZ Base Defense Zonebr BDB Base Development Boardbr BDD Base Development Doctrinebr BDP Base Development Planbr BXX Base Exchange Experimentbr BHW Base Hazardous Wastebr BLO Base Level Operationsbr BPU Base Production Unitbr BQM Base Quartermasterbr BSG Base Spares Groupbr BSB Base Support Battalionbr BIU Baseband Interface Unitbr BSD Baseline System Descriptionbr BNA BaseNeutralAcidbr BXK Bashkirbr BAS Basic Activity Subsetbr BCT Basic Combat Trainingbr BEC Basic Emergency Care br BXR Basic eXpandeRbr BFT Basic Flying Trainingbr BGU Basic Generation Unitbr BGM Basic Guided Missilebr BIL Basic Insulation Levelbr BII Basic Issue Itembr BLU Basic Link Unit br BMU Basic Measurement Unit br BMT Basic Motion Timestudybr BNU Basic Networking Utilitiesbr BQT Basic Qualification Trainingbr BQQ Basic Qualifying Questionbr BRI Basic Rate Interfacebr BCX Basic to C Translatorbr BUT Basic Unit Trainingbr BUU Basic User Unitbr BWP Basic War Planbr BZS Basic Zirconium Sulphatebr BZX Basic Zone eXpansionbr BOI Basis Of Issuebr BNK quotBass Nixon and Kennedy Consulting Engineersquotbr BGV Basset Griffon Vendeen Club br BLD BassLine Design br BTH bath br BIW Bath Iron Worksbr BHQ Battalion HeadQuartersbr BMI Battelle Memorial Institutebr BDG Battens Disease Genebr BTY batterybr BBU Battery BackUpbr BDU Battery Display Unitbr BLC Battery Level Computerbr BRU Battery Regulation Unitbr BCV Battle Command Vehiclebr BGI Battle Group Interoperabilitybr BMO Battle Management Organizationbr BTT Battle Technology Teambr BAN Battlefield Account Numberbr BNW Battlefield Nuclear Warfarebr BFP BattleField Periodbr BPV Battlefield Planning and Visualizationbr BVT Battlefield Video Teleconferencingbr BVG Battlefield Visualization Graphicsbr BBG Battleship Battle Groupbr BZU BattleZone Universebr BQK Baubegleitenden Qualitaetskontrolle br BBZ Baukologischen Bildungszentrum Bremerhaven br BAV Bavariabr BGJ quotBayanGobi Juulchin Co. quotbr KYF Kentucky First Bancorpbr KFC Kentucky Fried Chickenbr KGQ Kentucky Gray Quartzbr KHO Kentucky Heartland Outreach br KYL Kentucky Law Reporterbr KLA Kentucky Library Associationbr KMA Kentucky Motorcycle Associationbr KPR Kentucky Population Researchbr KQP Kentucky Quilt Projectbr KRZ Kentucky Reptile Zoobr KYS Kentucky State universitybr KSP Kentucky State Policebr KVU Kentucky Virtual University br KWP Kentucky Works Programbr KYD Kentucky Young Democratsbr KKW Kenwood Knights Wrestlingbr KBC Kenya Broadcasting Corporationbr KNM Kenya National Museumbr KTN Kenya Television Networkbr KIX Kenyan Internet eXchangebr KNH Kenyatta National Hospital br KSX Kerala Subcontract Exchange br KZY Keratec ZirconiaYttriumbr KGF Keratinocyte Growth Factorbr KPF Kerio Personal Firewallbr KRV Kern River Valleybr KHG Kernel Hacking Guidebr KLL Kernersville Little Leaguebr KVI Kernfysisch Versneller Instituutbr KZB Kernzeitbetreuungbr QQK Keuru languagebr KDQ Kevin Dorrian Quartetbr KAM Key Account Managementbr KCR Key Component Reviewbr KCT Key Construction Testbr KCV Key Customer Valuebr KDP Key Decision Pointbr KDT Key Definition Table br KDC Key Distribution Centerbr KDL Key Distribution Listbr KEI Key Enabling Investmentbr KET Key English Testbr KES Key Escrow Systembr KFL Key Facilities Listbr KGR Key Generator Receiverbr KIP Key Intelligence Positionbr KMC Key Management Centerbr KMF Key Management Facilitybr KMI Key Management Infrastructurebr KML Key Management Listbr KMP Key Management Protocolbr KMS Key Management Systembr KPI Key Performance Indicatorbr KPP Key Performance Parameterbr KPU Key Personnel Updatebr KPA Key Process Areabr KPK Key Production Keybr KPE quotKey Professional Engineers Inc. In addition to its main campus in Leuven it has satellite campuses in Kortrijk. We only index and link to content provided by other sites. Charles Dera cant resist that amazing butt and starts sniffing her pink before sticking his tongue into her juicy few seconds later John Strong starts banging that blueeyed tattooed hottie in doggy style while Jessa Rhodes continues sucking Charles Deras veiny cock. The members are Since August the university has been led by Luc Sels who replaced former rector Rik Torfs. The University of Leuven closed during the Napoleonic period in
The Belgian archbishop AndrJoseph Lonard is the current Grand Chancellor and a member of the university board. quotbr VWC Vector Wavelet Codingbr VMJ VedettesMatiere Jeunessebr VRX Vegan amp Raw Exchangebr VEG Vegetationbr VKL Vegetation Killing Liquidbr VEH Vehiclebr VAB Vehicle Assembly Building usually of NASAbr VDM Vehicle Deadlined for Maintenancebr VFS Vehicle Fighting Systembr VHR Vehicle History Reportbr VHI Vehicle Hit Indicatorbr VKT Vehicle Kilometers Traveledbr VLU Vehicle Location Unitbr VMT Vehicle Miles Traveledbr VRO Vehicle Registration Officebr VPH Vehicles Per Hourbr VPK Vehicles Per Kilometerbr VRC Vehicular Radio Controlbr VHU Vehicules Hors dUsagebr VIG Vekst i Grenland br ZQJ quotVelbert NordrheinWestfalenquotbr VMC Velocity of Minimum Controlbr VFE quotVelocity Flaps Extendedquotbr VGH quotVelocity Gravity and Heightquotbr VNE quotVelocity Never to Exceedquotbr VDP Vendor Data Packagebr VPA Vendor Payment Authorizationbr VQD Vendor Quality Diagnosisbr VTG Vendor Technical Guidance br VZD Vendor Zero Defectbr VEN Venerable as a titlebr VEE Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitisbr VZF Ventas de Zafarraya Fault br VSD Ventricular Septal Defect most common congenital heart defect br VZG Ventricular Zone Gene br VIY Ventures In Youthbr VXX Venturex Resourcesbr VRM Venus Radar Mapperbr VJN Verband der Jagdaufseher Niedersachsenbr VKD Verband der Koeche Deutschlandsbr VKS Verband der unabhaengigen Kraftfahrzeugsachverstaendigenbr VNU Verband fuer Nachhaltiges Umweltmanagementbr VQZ Verband fuer Qualitaet und Zertifizierungbr VHW Verband Hochschule und Wissenschaftbr VJJ Verband Junger Journalistenbr VKR Verband Katholischer Religionslehrerbr VZK Verband Zrcher Krankenhuserbr VZT Verband Zuercher Tagesfamilienvereine br VJA VerbandsJugendausschussbr VNQ VerbNounQualifierbr VNT Verbond Nederlandse Tussenpersonenbr VZH VerbraucherZentrale Hessen br VYV Verdad y Vidabr VHK Verein fuer Hochschulkontaktebr VNK Verein fuer Nagetiere und Kleinsaeugerbr VJW Verein Jugendarbeit Wetzikonbr VVM Verein Verkehrsamateure und Museumsbahn. br QTE radio code how to act when dating a coworker my true bearing is. The seal used by the university shows the medieval statue Our Lady of Leuven in a vesica piscis shape. Its theology library alone hold million volumes including works dating from the th century. br YMJ Yonsei Medical Jorunalbr YMK Yrkesgrupper mot Kaernvapenbr YML Why Markup Language br YMM Your Mileage May. quotbr VLX Volex Groupbr VEB quotVolkseigener Betrieb German peoples concern stateowned companyquotbr VWB VolksWagen Beetle br VWQ Volkswagen Qualitybr VWR VolksWagen Rabbitbr VAG Volkswagon Audi Groupbr VWZ Volkwagensbr VBQ Volleyball Quebecbr VMV Volleyballverband MecklenburgVorpommernbr VCZ Volonterski Centar Zagrebbr VXA Voltage ConverterAlternating Currentbr VHY Voltage Hysteresisbr VRE Voltage Regulation Extendedbr VSW Voltage Standing Wave waveformbr VUF Voltage Unbalance Factorbr VCA VoltageControlled Amplifierbr VOM VoltOhm Meterbr VOL Volume br VAU Volume Allocation Unit br VGD Volume Group Descriptorbr VLK Volume Licensing Keybr VLS Volume Loadability Speedbr VLM Volume Logical Modulebr VMR Volume Mixing Ratiobr VOF expert opinions on online dating Volume Of Fluidbr VSN Volume Serial Numberbr VAD Voluntary Aid Detachment br VCP Voluntary Cooperation Programbr VGE Voluntary Group of Expertsbr VSO Voluntary Service Overseas br VYE Voluntary Year for the Environment br VDC Volunteer Defence Corpsbr VDE Volunteer Development England br VLH Volunteer Legal Handbookbr VOE Volunteer Opportunities Exchangebr VSY Volunteer Service Yearbr VTC Volunteer Training Corpsbr VWM Volunteer Water Monitoringbr VYM Volunteer Youth in the Millenniumbr VFI Volunteers For Israelbr IVF Volunteers Force br VIH Volunteers in Healthcare br VAZ Volzhsky Avtobusny Zavodbr VNO Vomeronasal Organ br VHL Von HippelLindaubr VWD Von Willebrands Diseasebr VZQ Von Zensenburg Quilts br VBK Vorbereitende Kaderausbildungbr VLZ Vorlesungsverzeichnisbr VQX Voronoi Quantized Crossoverbr VWU Vorstudienlehrgang der Wiener Universitaetenbr VFK VORTAB Field Kitbr VTW Voters Telecommunications Watchbr VAO Voting Assistance Officerbr best first question online dating VOU Voucherbr VCV VowelConsonantVowel br VOY voyage br VDV VozdushnoDesantnye Voyska Russian Federation Airborne Forcesbr VUB Vrije Universiteit Brusselbr VBT Vrldens Barnsligaste Tjogonioringbr VYJ VroomYettonJago decision model br VUY Vulcan Yearbr VUL Vulpecula br VUX Vuxenutbildningbr VLL zulus store dating show trine VVehicular Laser Locatorbr VYX Vyxagallanxchibr VYZ Vyzkumbr VUK Vyzkumny Ustav Kovubr WRS WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System Reference Stationbr WKZ Waehrungskennzeichenbr WTZ WaermeTechnik Zihlmannbr WSI Wafer Scale Integrationbr WHD Wage and Hour Divisionbr WAV Wageningse Atletiek Verenigingbr WYK quotWah Yan College Kowloonquotbr WFC Wait for Callerbr WOC Waiting On Cement to setbr WOW Waiting On Weather what does it mean when you dream that you're dating someone br WVD Waivedbr WJX Wajax Limitedbr WKW Wakawakabr WFU Wake Forest Universitybr WSF Wake Shield Facilitybr WUC WakeUp Callbr WKH Waldkrankenhausbr WYA Wales Youth Agencybr WFJ Walk for Farmworker Justicebr WNZ Walk New Zealandbr WRQ Walker Richer Quinnbr WIQ Walking Impairment Questionnairebr WWG Walking With Godbr WWJ Walking With Jesusbr WSJ Wall Street Journalbr WBM Wallonie Bruxelles Musiquebr WZC Walne Zebranie Czlonkow br ZVY Walnut Illinois Public Library br WDW Walt Disney Worldbr WXY Waltham Cross Youth br WRH Walton Rehabilitation Hospital br WTQ WAM Warren Abstract Machine Token Queuebr WXS Wanted eXchange or Salebr WFX War Fighter eXercisebr WRM War Reserve Materialbr WRL War Resisters Leaguebr WTJ War Times Journalbr WRY Waraybr WMS Warehouse Management Systembr WSE Warfare Systems Engineer br WFI WarFighter Interfacebr WFA WarFighters Associatebr WKK Warmte Krachtkoppelingbr WIA Warned In Absentiabr WBR Warner Brothers Recordsbr WNG Warningbr WTY WarranTYbr WDR Warranty Deficiency Reportbr WBJ Warsaw Business Journalbr WIX Warsaw Internet Exchange br WIK Warszawa funny lines for online dating profiles i Kulturabr WCM Wartime Construction Managementbr WHN Wartime Host Nationbr WVT Warwick Valley Telephonebr WAR Warwickshirebr WHB WashHand Basinbr WBW Washington Business Weekbr WXF Washington Extra Fancy applesbr WHS Washington Headquarters Servicebr WLN Washington Learning Networkbr WNY Washington Navy Yardbr WQW Washington Quaker Workcampbr WRW Washington Romance Writersbr WSP Washington State Patrolbr ZWU Washington Union USADC location identifierbr WYN Washington Youth Networkbr WYT Washington Youth Tourbr WZZ Washoe Zephyr Zymurgistsbr WGK Wassergefaehrdungsklassenbr WHG Wasserhaushaltsgesetzbr WKV WasserKraft Volk AGbr WZT Wassersportzentrum Tiefenbrunnen br WCF Waste Calciner Facilitybr WCP Waste Characterization Planbr WDD Waste Disposal Divisionbr WFD Waste Feed Deliverybr WFE Waste Feed Evaporatorbr WFP Waste Form Producerbr WFQ Waste Form what comes after dating in stardom Qualificationsbr WME Waste Management Engineer br WPB Waste Paper Basketbr WQR Waste Qualification Reportbr WRG Waste Recycling Groupbr WRF Waste Retrieval Facilitybr WTM Waste Tank Maintenancebr WTC Waste Technology Centerbr WVP Waste Volume Projectionsbr WWT WasteWater Treatmentbr WTU Wastewater Treatment Unit br WDT Watch Dog Timerbr WDP WatchDog Processbr WHW Water and Hazardous Wastebr WLR Water and Land Resourcesbr WSH Water and Sanitation Healthbr WBX Water Boxer br WCU Water Cooling Unitbr WDZ Water Drop Zonebr WHF Water Hammer Factorbr WPD Water Publications Digestbr WQA Water Quality Actbr WQQ Water Quality and Quantitybr WQB Water Quality Bulletinbr WQC Water Quality Criteriabr WQD Water Quality Databasebr WQE Water Quality Evaluationbr WQX Water Quality Experimentbr WQG Water Quality Guidelines br WQI Water Quality Indexbr WQM Water Quality Managementbr questions to ask when dating someone WQO Water Quality Observationbr WQP Water Quality Parameterbr WQS Water Quality Standardbr WQT Water Quality Teambr WQV Water Quality Verificationbr WQZ Water Quality Zonebr WQU Water Quantity Unitbr WRD Water Reactors Divisionbr WRI Water Resources Informationbr WSD Water Saturation Deficitbr WSC Water Systems Councilbr WUP Water Use Permitting br WVG Water Vapor Generatorbr WIT Waterford Institute of Technologybr WQN WaterQuality monitoring Networkbr WZE Waterschap Zeeuwse Eilandenbr WCO Watershed Committee of the Ozarksbr WMB Watershed Management Bureaubr WWQ Watershed Water Qualitybr WES Waterways Experiment Stationbr WMH Waukesha Memorial Hospitalbr WEC Wave Experiment Consortiumbr WRV Wave Riding Vehiclebr WFT Wavefront Testingbr WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexingbr WSQ Waveletpacket Scalar Quantizationbr YXZ quotWawa Ontarioquotbr WXQ Waxing Quarterbr WTG Way To Gobr WIL Way to Independent Lifebr WGY We Guard Youbr WTP We The Peoplebr WPN Weaponbr WEB Weapon Effects Buoybr WFZ Weapon Free Zonebr WPP Weapon Position Preparationbr WPS Weapon Preload Software br WPT Weapon Preload Testerbr WRP Weapon Reference Pointbr WCS Weapons Control good examples of female dating profiles System br WCV Weapons Control Volumebr WEZ Weapons Engagement Zonebr WHA Weapons Holding Areabr WMD Weapons of Mass Destructionbr WEK Wearable Everyday Klothesbr WFO Weather Forecast Officebr WXP Weather Processorbr WXR Weather Radarbr WXU Weather Undergroundbr WUO Weather Underground Organization br WAW Weaving the Astronomy Webbr WBI Web Browser Intelligencebr WCZ Web Commerce Zonebr WDB Web Data Bankbr WDJ Web Developers Journal br WDG Web Directory Generatorbr WFS Web For Schoolsbr WHJ Web Hands Japanbr WQY Web Intelligence filebr WIF Web Interface Facilitybr WRB Web Request Brokerbr WSX Web Service Exchangebr WTV Web Televisionbr WTK Web Tool Kitbr WUM Web Utilization Miner br WVM Web Vectorial Modelbr WWX Web Ware Experience br WJP Webmaster Junction Portalbr WCK Webpage Construction Kitbr WGX Webphone Gateway Exchange br WNM Websters NonMineral oilbr WNX Webtrend Networxbr WZR WebZone Resourcesbr WED Wednesdaybr WLZ Weekend Learning Zone br WIR Weekly Intelligence Reviewbr WKS Weeksbr WZV WegeZweckverband br WNI Weider Nutrition Internationalbr WGT weightbr WBS Weight and Balance Systembr WAT Weight And Temperaturebr WJQ Weighted Job Questionnairebr WAQ Weird Ass Questionbr WKT Weiss KlimaTechnik GmbHbr WBK Weiterbildungskurse br WEH Welch Emergency Hospital br WLP Welding Procedurebr WEO Well Engineering how to know if your girlfriend is dating someone else Operations Oilfield Terminologybr WFF Well Formed Formula logicbr WKF Well Known Fanbr WZY Wellcozyme br WHP WellHead Protectionbr WXA Wellington Xiamen Association br WEX Wellness and Education Experimentbr WRE WellRounded Entertainmentbr WBQ Welsh Baccalaureate Qualificationbr WNO Welsh National Operabr WVN Welsh Video Networkbr WWZ Welt Weit Zeit br WKG Weltweite Kirche Gottes br WZN Weltzentrum fuer Niederschlagsklimatologiebr WKB WentzelKramersBrillouin Physicsbr WBZ Werbender Buch und Zeitschriftenhandel br WVK Werbung Verdienst Kombinationbr WKI Wereld ginger dating australia Klimaat Informatie br WMN Werkgroep Midden Nederlandbr Questions to ask a girl dating site WXV Werkgroep Xenotransplantatie Vraagstukken br WUK Werkstaetten Und Kulturhausbr WZM Werkzeugmaschinebr WZL Werkzeugmaschinenlaborbr WZS Werkzeugsystembr WPH Wesleyan Publishing House br WCR West Coast Railwaybr WEG West End Girlsbr WMJ West Michigan Janitorial cleaning servicebr WMA West Midlands Artsbr WNV West Nile Virus Type of Encephalitisbr ZWP West Palm Beachbr WQH West Quoddy Headbr WSW West SouthWestbr WVA West Virginiabr WVL West Virginia Libertariansbr WVO West Virginia Operationsbr WVQ West Virginia Quiltersbr WVU West Virginia Universitybr WYY West Yorkshire Yeomanrybr VXW Westchester New York Community College Librarybr WJW Westchester Jazz Workshop br WLS Westchester Library Systembr WAK Westdeutsche Akademie fuer Kommunikationbr WAZ Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungbr WGZ Westdeutsche GenossenschaftsZentralbank br WAJ Western Automotive Journalistsbr WEJ Western Economic Journal br WEU Western European Unionbr WGE Western Gas and Electricbr WHZ Western Hemlock Zone br WHL Western Hockey Leaguebr WIU Western vietsub dating agency cyrano ep 2 Illinois Universitybr WJM Western Journal of Medicinebr WKE Western Kentucky Energybr WKU Western Kentucky Universitybr WLJ Western Livestock Journal br WNP Western Neighborhoods Projectbr WOU Western Oregon Universitybr WPX Western Parcel Expressbr WPW Western Pennsylvania Wheelmen br WPU Western Pigeon Unionbr WRZ Western Redcedar Zone br WSY Western Shiprepair Yardbr WTI Western Transportation Institute br WUI Western Union Internationalbr WUE Western University Exchangebr WVC Western Veterinary Conferencebr WWU Western Washington Universitybr WYL Western Yosemite Leaguebr WYI Western Youth Institute br WEW Westerwaelder Eisenwerkbr WUZ Westfaelisches Umwelt Zentrumbr WCN Westinghouse Change Noticebr QQB Westinghouse Electric Corporation Nuclear Energy Librarybr WHC Westinghouse Hanford Companybr WPE Westinghouse Pittsburgh Environmentalbr WJK Westminster John Knox Press br WNW WestNorthWestbr WYM Westside Youth Ministries br WYS Westwood Youth Soccerbr WBG Wet Bulb Globebr WJZ Wetgeving en Juridische Zaken br ZQQ quotWetzlar Germanyquotbr WHV Wexner Heritage Villagebr WIY What Is Yogabr WTF What The Fbr any real russian dating sites WTH What The Hellbr WYG What You Got br WDY Whats west bengal dating site Driving Youbr WGO Whats Going Onbr WOT Whats On Televisionbr WUH Whats Up Halifaxbr WUD quotWhats Up Docquotbr WYB Whats Your Beef br WYP Whats Your Pointbr WYQ Whats Your Questionbr WYR Whats Your Reactionbr WOF Wheel of Fortune br WDU Wheelchair Drive Unit br WJU Wheeling Jesuit Universitybr WMP Wheeling Medical Parkbr WDE Wheels Drive Electronicsbr WAE When Actually Employedbr WRU Where aRe yoUbr WQL While Quantities Lastbr WRA Whippet Racing Associationbr WYJ quotWhiskey Japanesequotbr WCJ White Crane Journalbr WGN White Gaussian Noisebr WNH White NonHispanic br WQK WhiteQuilled Korhaan br WXZ Whiteswords Xena Zine br WSN Whitewater Slalom Networkbr WAY Who Are Youbr WBV Whole Body Vibrationbr WET Whole Earth Telescopebr WEQ Wholesale Electric Quadrant br WOB Whore Of Babylonbr YUS whY are yoU so Stupidbr WMQ Why More Questionsbr YUR Why You Are. The Catholic University of Leuven was refounded in and is frequently but controversially identified as a continuation of the older institution. BTRAThe Katholieke Universiteit Leuven A in English Catholic University of Leuven B abbreviated KU Leuven is a research university in the Dutchspeaking town of Leuven in Flanders Belgium. br QUJ quotradio code true course to you no windquotbr QUR radio code what is thebr QRA radio code Whats the name of your station br QTR radio code Whats the right time br QTH radio code Whats your positionbr QRX radio code When do you contact me next timebr QRZ radio code Who is calling mebr QSW radio code you send with emissions class. The following libraries are found at its Leuven campus The old University of Leuven was founded at the center of the historic town of Leuven what to say when asking a girl out online dating in making it Belgiums first university. We act as Registrar for over companies including around of the FTSE managing some million shareholder accounts
According to Thomson Reuters in and KU Leuven researchers have filed more patents than any other university in Europe its patents are also the most cited by external academics. Cast Naudia Nyce Hailey Young Cassie PeytonEquiniti is the UKs leading provider of share registration services and associated investor schemes. BTRAThe Katholieke Universiteit Leuven A in English Catholic University of Leuven B abbreviated KU Leuven is a research university in the Dutchspeaking town of Leuven in Flanders Belgium. br YMC Youth Missionary Corpsbr YMD Your Message Dated. The members are Since August the university has been led by Luc Sels who replaced former rector Rik Torfs. quotbr NSE Network SouthEast br NTY Network Teletypebr NTE Network Terminal Equipmentbr NTO Network Terminal Optionbr NTP network time protocol br NTR Network Timing Referencebr NUA Network User Addressbr NUI Network User Interfacebr NVT Network Virtual Terminalbr NVE Network Visible Entitybr NWW Network World Widebr NTX Networking and Expansionbr NWX Networking Indexbr NNQ Networking North Queenslandbr NJW Neue Juristische Wochenschrift br NKZ Neue Kronen Zeitung br NWZ Neue Wuerttembergische Zeitung br NZA Neue Zeitschrift fuer Arbeitsrecht br NZM Neue Zeitschrift fuer Missionswissenschaft br NZZ Neue Zeurcher Zeitung Swiss newspaperbr NJZ Neuen Juedischen Zeitung br NBK Neuer Berliner Kunstverein br NKQ Neues Kunstquartier br NKB Neurokinin Bbr NLK Neuroleukinbr NMZ Neuromuskulaumlres Zentrumbr NPY Neuropeptide Ybr NFF Neutral File Format br NPH Neutral Protamine Hagerdornbr NZN Neutral Zone Networkbr NQV Neutraler Quartiervereinbr NHW Neutralized Highlevel Wastebr NSX Neutron Star Xraybr NEV Nevadabr NAB New American Biblebr NCJ New City Jackbr NXG New Cross Gatebr NEO New Employee Orientationbr NEB New English Bible br NED New English Dictionarybr NEN New Eyes for the Needybr NGC New General Catalogue astronomybr NGD New Generation Desktopbr NHH New Hampshire Hospitalbr NHG New High Germanbr NIV New International Version Holy Biblebr NJD New Jersey Devils NHL br NJF New Jersey Futurebr NJH New Jersey Historybr NJL New Jersey Lotterybr NJN New Jersey News cable news stationbr NJT New Jersey Transitbr NJB New Jerusalem Biblebr NKM New Kach Movementbr NKT New Kadampa Tradition br NKL New Keelbr NKJ New King Jamesbr NKE New Korea Electricbr NLY New Life Youthbr NME New Musical Expressbr NNP New National Party br NOS New Old Stockbr NOT New Organization Trainingbr NPO New Personnel Orientationbr NPI New Product Informationbr NRE New Relationship Energybr NSW 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UltraLongLife br ULK UltraLow K dielectric constantbr ULT UltraLow Temperature br ULX UltraLuminous Xraybr UME UltraMicro Electrodebr UBN Ultranet Banner Networkbr UQV UltraQuality Visionbr UFM Ultrasonic Force Microscopybr USE Ultrasonic Scanning Equipmentbr UVP Ultrasonic Vibration Potentialbr UVZ Ultrasonic Vocalizationbr USW UltraSonic Weldingbr UHX Ultratemperature Heat Exchangerbr UTW UltraThin Windowbr UVA UltraViolet A br UVB UltraViolet Bbr UVC UltraViolet Cbr UVD Ultraviolet Detectorbr UVX Ultraviolet Explorerbr UVQ Ultraviolet Quartzbr UVS UltraViolet Spectrometerbr UWB UltraWideBandbr UGY Uluslararasi Gonulluler Yili br UKU Uluslararasi Kibris Unversitesibr UKN Umberto Kompetenz Networkbr UQM Umfassendes Qualitaetsmanagement br UZH Umkehr Zum Herrnbr UXF UML Unified Modeling Language Exchange Formatbr UQU Umm alQura Universitybr UDU Umuaka Development Unionbr UGZ Umwelt und Gesundheitsschutz Zuerich br UBZ Umweltbiotechnologisches Zentrum br UDK Umweltdatenkatalog br UFZ Umweltforschungszentrumbr UIZ Umweltinnovationszentrumbr UQZ Umweltqualitaetszielebr UTZ Umwelttechnikzentrumbr UVU Umweltvertraeglichkeitsuntersuchungen br UZT Umweltzeichen Tourismus hyperkitten plane dating br UZG Umzugsgradbr UZW Umzugswillige br UJZ Unabhaengiges Jugendzentrum br NIL Unable to Transmit Radio codebr UQC Unacceptable Quality Controlbr UQI Unacceptable Quality Inspectionbr UQL how to get a girl if she's dating someone else Unacceptable Quality Levelbr UQO Unacceptable Quality of Outputbr UPH Unaccompanied Personnel Housing br UGS Unattended Ground Sensorbr UUV Unauthorised Use of a Vehiclebr UNE Unbundled Network Elementbr UHC Unburned HydroCarbonsbr ULA Uncommitted Logic Arraybr UCS Unconfined Compressive Strengthbr URR Unconstrained Requirements Reportbr UCP UnCoupling Proteinbr UOS Undelivered Order Schedulebr UOO Undelivered Orders Outstandingbr UTL Under The Limitbr UTT Under The Tablebr UTX Under Track Crossingbr UCX Undercar Expressbr UCR UnderColor Removalbr UWL Underfloor wheel lathebr UNT Undergraduate Navigator Trainingbr UPT Undergraduate Pilot Trainingbr URJ Undergraduate Research Journalbr UUD Undergraduate University Divisionbr UGD UnderGrounDbr UCG Underground Coal Gasificationbr UCF Underground Computing Foundationbr UXU Underground Experts Unitedbr UGK Underground Kingzbr UGO Underground funny questions for dating website Onlinebr UTF Underground Test Facilitybr YXV Underlying Trading Valuebr USV UnderSodium Viewingbr UOD Understanding Organ Donation br UEY Understanding the Early Yearsbr UYO Understanding Yourself and Othersbr UVR UnderVoltage Relaybr UAT Underwater Astronaut Trainerbr UWH Underwater Hockey br UPD Underwater Propulsion Device br UAM Underwater to Air Missilebr UTR Underwater Tracking Range br UUM UnderwatertoUnderwater Missilebr ULC Underwriters Laboratory of Canadabr UUY Unemployment Unit and Youthaidbr UEP Unequal Error Protectionbr UXR Unexpired Riskbr UXB Unexploded Bombbr UXD UneXploded Devicebr UXI UneXploded Incendiarybr UXJ UneXploded Junk br UXM UneXploded Minebr UXO UneXploded Ordnancebr UXW UneXploded Weaponbr UZV Unfallzusatzversicherungbr UFR UnFinanced Requirementbr UBQ Uniao Brasileira para a Qualidadebr UVE Uniao Vida Espiritabr UXE Uniaxial Strain Test br UBA UniBus Adapterbr UCQ UniCenter Querenburg br UAX Unicode Annexbr UEJ Unidad de Estudios Juridicos br UVI Unidad de Vigilancia Intensivabr UFE Unidentified Flags and Ensignsbr UFO Unidentified Flying Objectbr UFQ Unidentified Flying Quartetbr UPI Unidentified Party Injury br UDB Unified DataBasebr UFT Unified Field Testbr UMM Unified Markov Model br UML Unified Modelling Languagebr UNS Unified Numbering Systembr UBR ucsd dating site Uniform Business Rate br UFI Uniform File Identifier br UFC Uniform Fire Codebr UMC Uniform Mechanical Codebr UOR Uniform Officer Recordbr URA Uniform Resource Agentbr URC Uniform Resource Citationbr UYJ quotUniform Yankee Juliet Air Incorporatedquotbr UVH Uniforme Voorwaarden Horeca br UHU Unihockey Universitaetssportklubbr UDI Unilateral Declaration of Independencebr UBF Unilever Best Foodsbr UAJ Unin Asitica de Judobr URE Unintentional Radiation Emissionbr UCY Union de Cybernautasbr UJR Union des Jeunes Reacutepublicains br UJL Union des Journalistes Luxembourg br UMQ Union des Municipalites du Quebec br UVN Union des Voyageurs du Nord br UDJ Union Deutscher Jazzmusikerbr UEO Union Executive Officerbr UTJ Union for Traditional Judaismbr UFB Union Franaise des Biologistesbr UGT Union General de los Trabajadores workers unionbr UGM Union Gospel Missionbr UIV Union Insert Valvebr UKV Union Krankenversicherungbr UAA Union of Associated Artsbr UCW Union of Communication Workersbr UDM Union of Democratic Mineworkersbr UDY Union of Drugfree Youth br UIA Union of International Associationsbr UJY Union of Jewish Youthbr UWT Union of Women Teachersbr UPY Union Pacific Yard switch enginebr UQK Union Qua Knowledgebr UUB Union Upper Boundbr UZL Union Zinc Limited br UGI Unione Genitori Italiani br UZI Unione Zoologica Italiana br UYT Unipart Yachiyo Technology br UYE Unipart Yanagawa Engineering br UIQ Unique Intelligence Quotientbr UIT Unique Item Trackingbr UQS Unique Signal br UWD Unique Web Designbr URX Unirex Corporationbr UAB Unit Accreditation Boardbr UAD Unit Authorization Documentbr UDS Unit Data Systembr UEI Unit Effectiveness Inspectionbr UER Unit Equipment Reportbr UEE Unit Essential Equipmentbr UHS Unit Home Stationbr UIS Unit Identification Systembr ULN Unit Line Numberbr UMR Unit Mail Roombr UMT Unit Maintenance Teambr UMI Unit Movement Identifierbr UMO Unit Movement Officebr UOI Unit Of Issuebr UOM Unit Of Measurebr UOQ Unit of Quantitybr UOW Unit Of Work br URS Unit Reference Sheetbr URD Unit Release Dosebr URM Unit Release Methodbr URF Unit Risk Factorbr URV Unit Risk Valuebr UST Unit Security Technicianbr USL Unit Spares Listbr USF Unit Status Fieldbr USR Unit Status Reportbr UTE Unit Test Equipmentbr UTS Unit Training Standardbr UUR Unit dhaka dating service Under Reviewbr UUT Unit Under Testbr UUS Unitarian and Universalist Spiritualitybr UUA Unitarian Universalist Associationbr UUF Unitarian Universalist Fellowshipbr UQD Unitarily Quasidiagonalizable matricesbr UGA UnitaryGroup Approachbr UAY United Action for Youthbr UAC United Africa Companybr UAL United Air Lines br UAE United Arab Emiratesbr UAR United Arab Republicbr UAP United Australia Partybr UAW United Automobile Workers Americanbr UBT United Bank and Trustbr UBB United Blacksmiths of Brittaniabr UDF United Democratic Frontbr UDL United Deployment Listbr UDT United Dominions Trustbr UEL United Empire Loyalistsbr UEF United Engineering Foundation br UFW United Farm Workersbr UFJ United Financial of Japanbr UMJ United for a Multicultural Japanbr UGB United Georgian Bankbr UGL United Gilsonite Laboratories br UGF United Givers Fundbr UGG United Grain Growersbr UIH United Information Highwaybr UIP United International Picturesbr UIL United Irish Leaguebr UJA United Jewish Appealbr UJF United Jewish Federationbr UJO United Jewish Organizations br UKL United Kapz League br UKC United Kingdom Coinagebr UKD United Kingdom Dredgingbr UKG United Kingdom Goldbr UKH United Kingdom Hockeybr UKI United Kingdom Independencebr UKP United Kingdom Pounds sterlingbr UKW United Kingdom Wrestlingbr ULH United Lincolnshire Hospitals br ULY United Lubavitcher Yeshivabr UMN United Media Networkbr UMW United Methodist Womenbr UMY odds of dating after 50 United Methodist Youthbr UMH quotUnited Mobile Homes Inc
Quotbr GOO Gemeenschappelijke Onderwerpsontsluitingbr GBV Gemeinsamer Bibliotheksverbund br GVK Gemeinsamer Verbundkatalogbr GJU Gemeinschaft Junger Ungarndeutscherbr GXV Gene Expression Vaccine br GEN General br GAO General Accounting Officebr GAC General Advisory Committeebr GFO General and Flag Officersbr GCE General Certificate of Educationbr GCA General Council Auditbr GCO General Counsel Officebr GDS General Declassification Schedulebr GDC General Design Criteriabr GDY General Dutybr GDE General Dynamic Equationbr GET General Employee Trainingbr GFU General FoulUpbr GFD General Functional Descriptionbr GGI General Graphics Interfacebr GHQ General HeadQuartersbr GHH General Hospital Humorbr GHM General Hydrological Modelbr GIT General Information Testbr GIR General Institutional Requirementsbr GIA General International Areabr GKQ General Knowledge Questionbr GLA General Ledger Accountbr GLM General Linear Modelbr GML General Modelling Languagebr GMC quotGeneral Motors Corpquotbr GMH General Motors Holden Australiabr GNC General Nutrition Centers USbased health food storehealth store chainbr GOC General Officer Commanding br GOR General Officer Reviewbr GOQ General Online Querybr GPI General Paralysis of the Insane br GPP General Plant Projectbr GPL General Population Limitbr GPO General Post Office extinctbr GPK General Proxy Kitbr GPU General Public Utilitiesbr GPV General Public Virusbr GPR General Purpose Registerbr GQI General Quality Inspectionbr GQS General Quarters Stationbr GSP General Strike Planbr GSF General Support Forcesbr GSL General Support Laboratorybr GSD General System Descriptionbr GSB General Systems Businessbr GUH General University Honorsbr GUR General University Requirementsbr GUN General Usage Networkbr GUP General Use Permit br GWO General Watch Officerbr GBT Generalized Brillouin Theorembr GCV Generalized Cross Validation br GDO Generalized Diatomic Orbitalbr GEH Generalized Effective Hamiltonianbr GGH Generalized Geometry Holdupbr GGA Generalized Gradient Approximationbr GGC Generalized GradientCorrectedbr GHF Generalized HartreeFock methodbr GHL Generalized HeitlerLondonbr GHO Generalized Hybrid Orbitalbr GIL Generalized Image Librarybr GLF Generalized Laguerre Functionbr GLE Generalized Langevin Equationbr GMO Generalized Molecular Orbitalbr GQF Generalized Query Facility br GVQ Generalized Vector Quantizationbr GVA Generalized Viterbi Algorithmbr GWF Generalized Wannier Functionbr GAQ Generally Asked Questionbr GPE GeneralPurpose Equipmentbr GBQ Generating Bearing Qualitybr GDG Generation Data Groupbr GXW Generation eXtreme Wrestlingbr GJJ Generation Jeunes Journalistesbr GYX Generation Youth Explosion br GXB GenerationX Bearsbr GAX Generator Absorber Heat Exchangebr GHW Generators of Hazardous Wastebr GAE Generic Application Environmentbr GAT Generic Application Templatebr GEE Generic Enterprise Ensemblebr GXF Generic Exchange Format br GIO Generic Interface for Operationsbr GNM Generic Network Modelbr GRC Generic Reference Configurationbr GUF Generic User Folderbr GWM Generic Window Manager Xbr GGW Genesee GateWaybr GAH Genetically Altered Homosapienbr GCG Genetics Computer Groupbr GMQ Geneva Message Queuingbr GDB Genome DataBasebr GNF Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundationbr GZB Genossenschaftliche Zentralbankbr GXE Genotype by Environmentbr GZT Genzyme Tissuebr GLT Geochemical Logging Toolbr GGL Geodesy and Geodynamics Laboratorybr GFZ Geoforschungszentrumbr GEI Geographic Enforcement Initiativebr GHT Geographic Hash Table br GHY Geographybr GSJ Geological Survey of Japanbr GGY Geologybr GLY Geologybr GEK Geomagnetic ElectroKinetographbr GBD Geometric Data Basebr GTD Geometrical Theory of Diffractionbr GIS Geopgrahic Information Systems br GJI Geophysical Journal Internationalbr GRL Geophysical Research Lettersbr GSY Geophysical Society of Yugoslaviabr GEO Georgebr GMU George Mason Universitybr GWU George Washington Universitybr GCH Georgia Childrens Homebr GFB Georgia Factory for the Blindbr GKA Georgia Karate Academy br GPB Georgia Public Broadcasting br GTU Georgia Technological Universitybr GCL Geosynthetic Clay Linerbr GEL Geotechnical Engineering Laboratorybr GER Germanbr GDR German Democratic Republic DDRbr GFL German Football Leaguebr GLK German Language Kitbr GLJ German Law Journalbr GTQ German Teachers of Queensland br GTF German Territorial Forcesbr GVV German Volunteer Votetakersbr GWJ German With Journalism br GZC German Zocker Communitybr GAD Germersheim Army Depotbr GEY Gerontologybr GRG Gerontology Research Groupbr GZW Gesamtzuchtwertbr GMD Gesellschaft fr Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung German National Research Center for Computer Sciencebr GSI Gesellschaft fr Schwerionenforschung German Federal Research Institute fbr GZS Gesellschaft fr ZahlungsSystemebr GKU Gesellschaft fuer Kommunale Umweltdienste br GMK Gesellschaft fuer Medienpaedagogik und Kommunikationskultur br GNK Gesellschaft fuer Netzwerk und Kommunikationbr GQH Gesellschaft fuer Qualifizierung im Handwerk br GQW Gesellschaft fuer Qualitaetswissenschaftbr GJZ Gesellschaft Junger Zivilrechtswissenschaftler br GZQ Gesellschaft zur Zertifizierung von Qualitaets und UmweltmanagementSystemenbr GKV Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung br GVJ Gespreksvaardigheden Voor Juristenbr GYR Gestion Yves Renaudbr GZF Gesundheitszentrum Fricktal br GQZ Get if Queue Zerobr GIY Get It Yourselfbr GMJ Get More Juicebr GQA Get Quick Answerbr GRQ Get Rich Quickbr GYH Get You Home br GYO Get Your Ownbr GZV Gewaesserunterhaltungszweckverband br GJA Ghana Journalists Associationbr GRW quotGhirardi Rimini and Weber physicsquotbr GJT Giant Java Tree br GQD Giant Quick Disconnect br GBF GibbsBogolyubovFeynman Variational Principlebr GIB Gibraltarbr GMI Gibson Music Internationalbr GIZ Giftinformationszentrumbr GIK Gifts In Kindbr GEV GigaElectronWoltbr GHZ GigaHertzbr GWE GigaWattbr GWH GigaWatt Hourbr GOL Giggle Out Loudbr GLZ GilaLas Cruces Zone br GKC Gilbert Keith Chestertonbr GJK quotGilbert Johnson and Keerthi roboticsquotbr GVB GilbertVarshamov Bound br GZN Gimelstar Zodiac Newsletterbr GUG Gimp User Group br GJC GIS Jobs Clearinghousebr GEG Gitarren Ensemble Graz br GBA Give Better Addressbr GBR Give Better Referencebr GIV Give Items of Value United Way campaignbr GUW Give Us Wingsbr GOD Givers Of Destructionbr GBK Gladsaxe Bowling Klub br GPZ Gladys Porter Zoo br GCS Glasgow Coma Scalebr GDH Glasgow Distributed Haskell br GUU Glasgow University Unionbr GPQ Glass Patterns Quarterlybr GSK GlaxoSmithKlinebr GHJ Glenohumeral Jointbr GLI Gliderbr GNZ Gliding New Zealand br GAN Global Area Networkbr GAW Global Atmospheric Watchbr GBN Global Business Networkbr GDX Global Data Exchange br GDM Global Data Managementbr GDT Global Descriptor Tablebr GEQ Global Economy Quarterlybr GEF Global Environment Facilitybr GEC Global Environmental Changebr GXS Global Exchange Servicesbr GXG Global Express Guaranteed br GFJ Global Finance Journalbr GFQ Global Food Quarterlybr GFW Global Forest Watch br GFP Global Functional Planebr GGS Global Geospace Sciencebr GHX Global Healthcare Exchangebr GHN Global Hunger Networkbr GIE Global Information Environmentbr GIG Global Information Gridbr GIH Global Information Highwaybr GII Global Information Infrastructurebr GIW Global Information Warfare br GJN Global Jaringan Nusantara br GJG Global Joint Guidance br GJV Global Justice Volunteersbr GKD Global Key Distributionbr GKI Global Key Infrastructurebr GKM Global Key Managementbr GKE Global Knowledge Exchangebr GKG Global Knowledge Groupbr GKP Global Knowledge Partnershipbr GLN Global Location Numberbr GMX Global Message Exchange br GMN Global Music Networkbr GNJ Global Net Japan br GNA Global Network Academybr GNE Global New Energy Technology Corporationbr GNG Global Nomads Groupbr GOT Global Offset Tablebr GPW Global Point Warningbr GPS Global Positioning System br GPY Global Program on Youthbr GQK Global Quality Kitbr GQQ Global Quantum Questbr GRS Global Retirement System br GSO Global Software Outsourcingbr GTI Global Teamwork Informationbr GTN Global Trends Networkbr GUD Global Union of Democraciesbr GUA Global University Alliance br GUO Global Urban Observatory br GVC Global Value Chainbr GVO Global Virtual Organizationbr GWA Global Warming Assessmentbr GXA Global XML Architecture br GYE Global Youth Exchange br GYI Global Youth Initiative br GYV Global Youth Villagebr GYW Global Youth Work br GTJ Globe Trotter Japanbr GJY Globex Japanese Yenbr GYJ Gloucestershire Young Jazz br GDL Glow Discharge Lampbr GMS Glycerol MonoStearatebr GHC Glycinated Herbal Complexbr GYG Glycogeninbr GGV Gnome Ghostscript Viewerbr GHU Gnome Hamradio Utilities br GCC Gnu Clanguage Compilerbr GGZ Gnu Gaming Zonebr GIJ Gnu Interpreter for Java br GNO GNU Network Objectbr GPG GNU Privacy Guardbr GTK Gnu Tool Kitbr GWV Gnutella Worm Victimbr GFK Go Fly a Kitebr GTH Go To Hellbr GQM quotGoal Question Metricquotbr GAA Goals Against Average br GFA Goals For Averagebr GDI God Damn It br GKW God Knows Wherebr GOW God Of Warbr GOK God Only Knowsbr GGO Gods Great Outdoors Ministrybr GAJ Godwin Austen Johnson Architectsbr GEB quotGoedel Escher and Bach computersquotbr GDZ Goettingen Digitization Centrebr GZL Goettinger Zeitschriften Liste br GCQ Going Concern Qualificationbr GTB Going To the Bathroombr GKH Goju kai Karate do Holland br GKK Gojuryu Karatedo Kyokaibr XAU Gold and Silver Mining Indexbr GJS Gold Jewel Settingbr GQJ Gold Quarry Jasperoidbr GGB Golden Gate Bridge br GGU Golden Gate Universitybr GYC Golden Years Clubbr GVF Goldmann Visual Field opthalmological test br GQX Goldquest Explorationbr GWX Goldwax recordsbr GCY Golf Club Ybrigbr GOY Golfer Of the Yearbr GON Gondolabr GAY Good As Youbr GCP Good Clinical Practicesbr GEP Good Engineering Practicebr GFG Good Fruit Grower Magazinebr GGM Good Ground Ministrybr GHD Good Hair Daybr GJP Good Job Partnerbr GJF Good Jobs Firstbr GMA Good Morning Americabr GMW quotGood Morning Washington DC area local version of Good Morning Americaquotbr GXP Good Practicebr GRP Good Regulatory Practicesbr GSH Good Sense of Humorbr GTX Good Till eXecutedbr GVE Good Versus Evilbr GLL Goodmans Loudspeakers Limited br GST Goods and Services Tax canadian br GLG Goofy Little Grinbr GWB GopinathanWhiteheadBogdanovicbr GAZ Gorkovskij Avtomobilnyi Zavodbr GRD GOSIP Register Databasebr GOZ Gosudarstvennyi Opytnyi Zavodbr GTG Got To Gobr GNN Gotham News Networkbr GGN Gotta Go Nowbr GQB Governing Quality Boardbr GAS Government Accounting Systembr GBL Government Bill of Ladingbr GCN Government Computer News periodicalbr GFY Government Fiscal Yearbr GFE Government Furnished Equipmentbr GFF Government Furnished Facilitiesbr GFM Government Furnished Materialbr GFS Government Furnished Softwarebr GFV Government Furnished Vehiclebr GIQ Government Information Quarterlybr GIX Government Information Xchangebr GLP Government Loaned Propertybr GMG Government Manufacturing Groupbr GOG Government Of Guyanabr GOI Government Of Indonesiabr GOJ Government Of Japan br GOS Government Of Swedenbr GVN Government of Vietnambr GPN Government Packet Networkbr GQC Government Quality Control br GQP Government Quality Program br GQR Government Quality Reviewbr GRH Government Rental Housingbr GSN Government Satellite Networkbr GVH Government VeHiclebr GWG Government Working Groupbr GAK Governmental Accessed Keysbr GOV Governor br GRX GPRS General Packet Radio Service Roaming Exchangebr GLS GPS Landing Systembr GLU GPS Landing Unitbr GTY Grace to You br GYM Grace Youth Ministriesbr GPA Grade Point Averagebr GXT Graded Exercise Testbr GRE Graduate Record Examinationbr GRA Graduate Research Assistantbr GSC Graduate Student Councilbr GWP Graham Whistler Productionsbr GAR Grain Aspect Ratiobr GBJ Grain Boundary Junction br GFN Grain Fineness Numberbr GMB Grain Marketing Boardbr GQU Grain Quality Unitbr GEW gram equivalent weightbr GBC GrammarBased Codebr GMV GramMolecular Volumebr GSM Grams per Square Metre paper measurement br GMM Granada Men and Motorsbr GTV Granada Televisionbr GCJ Grand Canyon Journalbr GJW Grand Junior Wardenbr GJE Grand Jury Europenbr GNH Grand National Hydroplanebr GOM Grand Old Man specifically William Gladstonebr GOP quotGrand Old Party american meaning the Republican Partyquotbr GQG Grand Quartier General br GSQ Grand Scale Quarterlybr GTR Grand Trunk Railway br GTW Grand Trunk Western Railroadbr GUT Grand Unified Theory physicsbr GWK Grandmothers Wisdom Keepersbr GOB Grants Operations Branchbr GXL Graph Exchange Languagebr GXO Graphic eXchange Onlinebr GFT Graphic Firing Tablebr GIF Graphic Image Format br JPG graphic image format br GMF Graphic Monitor Facilitybr GQE Graphic Queue Elementbr GDD Graphical Data Displaybr GQL Graphical Query Languagebr GRR Graphical Representation of Relationshipsbr GUI Graphical User Interfacebr GVL Graphical View Language br GFX Graphicsbr GXH Graphics Hardwarebr GIN Graphics INput br GIU Graphics Interface Unitbr GKF Graphics Kernel Filebr GKL Graphics Kernel Languagebr GKR Graphics Kernel Routinebr GLX Graphics Language Linuxbr GPD Graphics Products Division br GSR Graphics Service Request br GSX Graphics System eXtension Electricbr GVT Graphics Vector Toolkit br GWS Graphics Work Station br GRZ Graphische Rechenzentrum br GCB Graphitized Carbon Black br GVG Grass Valley Group br GCZ GrasshopperClub Zuerich br GJH Grassy Junior High School br GLR Grating Light Reflection br GLV Grating Light Valve br GZO Grating Zero Order br GYS GraveYard Shift br GAV Gravity Assisted Valve br GVY Gravy br GRY Graybr GXR Grazing Xray Reflectometerbr GKB GrazKoeflacher Bahn br GAI quotGrease Aircraft and Instrumentsquotbr GBG Great Big Grinbr GBP Great British Poundbr GBY Great British Youthbr GGG Great Galactic Ghoulbr GIP Great Indian Peninsular railwaybr GJD Great Japanese Dogbr GJM Great Jazz Masters br GLW Great Lakes Waterbr GNT Great Northern Telegraphbr GNW Great Northern War br GUS Great Universal Stores mail order companybr GWR Great Western Railway defunctbr GWN Great White North br GEX Greater Expectations br GMR Greater Manchester Radiobr GNY Greater New Yorkbr GVZ Greater Vancouver Zonebr GYZ Greater Young Zion br GCD Greatest Common Divisorbr GLB Greatest Lower Boundbr GRK Greekbr GPJ Greek Politics Journalbr GRN Greenbr GBO Green Bank Observatorybr GJL Green Jobs Limitedbr GJB Green June Beetlebr GVI Green Vegetation Indexbr GHG GreenHouse Gas See also Hawkmans Automotive Webspacebr GWI Greenhouse Warming Indexbr GSZ GreenSellinZachorbr GQN Greenvale Queensland Nickelbr GNB Greenville National Bankbr GVU Greenville Update newsletter br GWY GreenWaYbr GCT Greenwich Civil Timebr GGJ Greenwich Glass and Joinery br GMT Greenwich Mean Time br GYL Greenwich Youth Lacrossebr GYY GreenYellowYellow daffodilsbr GZK quotGreisen Zatsepin and Kuzmin physicsquotbr GUC Grenoble Universite Club br GPX Greyhound Package eXpressbr GXD Greyhound Xpress Deliverybr GRU Grid Reference Unitbr GBH Grievous Bodily Harmbr GCK Griffith College Karachibr GFR Grim File Reaperbr GUM Grip Unique Methodbr GHK quotGriswold Heckel Kelly Associates Inc. 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