Pot smokers dating
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Pot smokers dating

Date:14 January 2017 | Author: Admin
pot smokers dating

But he must want to quite as well for this agreement to work and be successful. oh oh oh cheddar and sour cream potGood luck with this I think you got a lot of flak in the comments about not liking GGuy smoking every day and I dont think thats fair. If I were in your shoes I would probably give up the arguing because its just wasted energy right now and then unilaterally lay down the law on a couple things no weed in or on myour property house cars etc. Soperspectivei just feel like this must be significant. And then if there is ever a point that we both agree you should stop completely say when we have little ones running about we will have the practice under our belts to phase it out effectively. I was at home for lunch just now

Im looking forward to an update to see if anything has changedimprovedYoure at the point where you can see hes not going to smoke less so you have to decide whether you can live with it or do you need some space to think about it or do you call it quits. Yet every one of those problems with cigarette smoking also applies to pot smoking The pot smokers on this forum who insist that pot smoking does nothing but wonderful things for regular smokers will probably come back denying any such reality but they need to look at the evidence see for instance not what postsmokers tell each other so they do not have to confront the possible costs of their psychological dependence. Jan nbspComplicating the issue is that there still is no definitive test for marijuana impairment and theres a big difference between booze and pot breathalyzer and blood tests can prove current. I want to cut back on random junkfood binging and I struggle with it and I think of it as a Problem. At this point they are in a bit of a stalemate but I do think its one of the situations where the less its brought up the better it will be so maybe sit down and have a final talk about ways to mitigate the fall out compromise on it and then put it to bed for awhile. Maybe LW needs to try that Because whats going on now isnt working so maybe its time to try something else. I think the husbands unwillingness to quit stems from his realizing exactly what this fight is about

Is he an addict Does he have to have it daily Is it affecting his ability to complete school Will it prevent him from getting the type of job that he wants Ask yourself if this is a life altering problem one that affects your ability to reach life goals with him. There just arent many options here. For instance I only drink about once or twice a month now because my boyfriend doesnt drink and he doesnt really like to be around booze. Everyone is going to say the LW and her husband should have worked this out prior to getting married which is true but that doesnt help her now. If it isnt you can work with him. Haha who says its meLWguy I want to retalk about the pot smoking thing. Listen to ME LWThis is your letter isnt it Ever since you mentioned a letter by you to Wendy Ive been on high alert. Now that money isnt an issue we simply cut back when we want to. Love this. Going rate in DC too for decent quality stuff or so I hear. i think that was the big problem. psshhh Ive been talking hypothetically this whole time I would GUESS a bottle of wine costs the same as joints I guess that example sucks though because wine prices vary

He probably acts more or less the exact same. But for some reason having a glass of wine everyday is just someone who likes wine but someone Free sms dating norge who smokes everyday infp dating tips is a pothead. Compromises are the problem with radiometric dating not always easy and people dont just get a free pass because things are challenging. Maybe before she was thinking Why does it matter so much I dont even know if Ill be with him forever. Getting caught with it here ruins lives all the time. Yes its not right but thats the way it currently is. Maybe you guys just make few promises Like Im sure Ive promised to stop at the store on the way home and then was all eh Im tired. However a partners health and wellbeing is more important to me than winning an argument. Even though some of them smoked a lot I could still tell a difference between sober vs. He also mentions that for this reason it should not be used by men whose age or waist size exceeds so obviously he doesnt know everything

pot smokers dating

But yea its different for everyone. He has to want to. Then again in twenty. I just wanted to address all the comments people have made about how the LWs husband is a grown man who should make for dating my teenage daughter his own decisions and the LW is being controlling. why dont you take a trip to denver after jan and find out yourself hahaTwo weeks worth for two of us is about. Her description of his behavior makes him sound like an addict and if he is the idea that hell cut back because she bugs him to is pretty laughable. Or if not a friend a friend of a friend

I mean seriously. You need to have another talk. If you drink regularly one or two wont affect you much at all. Everyone is going to say the LW and her husband should have worked this out prior to getting married which is true but that doesnt help her now

So now youre married to a guy who cannot and will not limit his usage and it was your choice and theres not much to be done about it now. I think thats why we are butting heads here. Im sure theyve had que es el speed dating the talk thats Hey arent you supposed to stop smoking Im saying they should have a talk where she basically lays it out that hes been an untrustworthy shitty husband and that he needs to let her know if he even plans Paris dating site english on stopping being shitty and that she should say she needs to know because she needs to figure out what shes going to do ie leave or not. A bunch of hypocrites judging away while blithly explaining away their own substance abuse . I dont think its up to us to approve her reasons. I wasnt lying. Yes ApresMoi You are so much more articulate than I am. And how does he know that if he cuts back to once or twice a week per your deal that you wont turn around in a few months and demand he stop altogether Maybe hes afraid that if he gives into you now youll only expect more from him later. But LW if youre looking for fuel for your fire and not necessarily something that will save your marriage think of thiswell my online dating isle of wight question would be why didnt he change before the wedding i really dont get how the wedding was some magical event that changed his whole outlook and habit on this subject for him. Usually he smokes in the evenings sometimes when Im already sleeping

pot smokers dating

But based on what quality like is pot per se better Saturday night live dating an actress skit than potamen GGAlso more important to me would be what happens ifwhen you have children This is the one thing I wont compromise onand definitely something to be ironed out before that happens. Definitely. I made persuasive arguments for him to cut back but he just didnt agree with me so he didnt. i dont want anything to change after university of pittsburgh dating it. GG you are so right

  1. September 2017

    I never suggested that she wallow in it forever. the list goes on. I also never drive above the speed limit so there you go. Apparently it doesnt bother her too much if shes okay with him smoking once or twice a weekSo TLDR have a new talk. that sometimes the things weve committed to in the past cant happen anymore. I think its terrible to break promises and I stand by that

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