Q Why did the banker quit her jobbr A She lost interest. Never. br brDinner. There are some questions about her then questions about the groom some about their relationship and a few more. On Sunday in Missouri its illegal for anyone to do whatA Play Hopscotch. Would you ratherHave a grapefruitsized head or a head the size of a watermelonNotwithstanding the fact that these questions and answers are referred to as trivia they are quite an interesting piece to read. Q What happened when the magician got angrybr A He pulled his hare out
Br brWhich magazine declared bankruptcy in the early sA Success. br brWho was Fs last boyfriend before she dated youbr Who takes up the most room in bedbr What is hisher greatest fearbr What were your first impressions when you first lay eyes on him herbr Who made the first movebr Who gets the last word in an argumentbr What are you most likely to argue aboutbr Where did you go for your first datebr If you compare yourselves to any celebrity couple who do you think you most compare tobr If she could be a famous person who would your other half bebr If he could be anyone famous who would it bebr Who is hisher icon or who do they admire mostbr If you compare yourselves to any celebrity couple who do you think you most compare tobr What celebrity would you compare him her tobr Where was the wildestweirdest place you had sexbr If heshe was to lick a food off you what would it bebr Do you pet names for each other and your partsbr Have you ever bought anything from Ann SummersWhat is lighter than a feather but not possible to hold for even a few mImagine that you were captured by cannibals and about to be eaten. Which Great Lake state has more shoreline than the entire. Q How would you shoot a killer beebr A With a bee bee gun. I actually grepped out all the brackets one day just to see how bad it was and sans formatting got this. Q What is the Local Area Network in Australia known asbr A The LAN down under. Atlantic seaboardAMichigan. What does half really mean Its What is divided by Now . What color are her stairs brWhat do callipygian people haveA Prettily shaped buttocksLagnoperissia is a fancy name for what sexual condition A NymphomaniaWhat do of Americans reading on the toilet readA Readers Digest. br brSeven. How many birth days does the average person have brWhy are pennies worth more than pennies brWhat looks like half an apple brThat attorney is my brother testified the accountant
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Q What is taken before you get itbr A Your picture. . If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened visit the help center for guidance. Bigger or their baby brIt didnt roll roosters dont lay eggs. In Quitman standards dating Georgia its illegal for a chicken to do whatA Cross the Road. Mary Harneybr c. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center please edit the question
Would you ratherhave no taste buds or be color blindSurvivors generally are never buried. This question and its answers are frozen and cannot be changed. children come to you and each one of them ask for an apple. When you start your trip there are an old lady named Johnson and a longhaired kid on the bus. A punch of funny questions and their funny answers
How many birth days does the average person have brWhy are pennies worth more than pennies brWhat looks like half an apple brThat attorney is my brother testified the accountant. In why did Japan delete feet from US filmsA They showed Kissing. br brHow do people usually find furniture in the dark AWith their shinsWhat was the ice cream cone invented for ATo hold flowers not ice creamWould you rather be Donald Trump or George BushIn Arizona you must register with the state before becoming whatA Illegal Drug DealerWe have split up the Mr and Mrs Questions below into sections. Q Where can you find an ocean with no waterbr A On a map. In California it is illegal to do what in a hotel roomA Peel an OnionWhere is it illegal to carry old chewing gum stuck on your noseA In SomaliaFunny Trick Questions Ever heard that theres no such thing as a stupid questionbr br Just stupid answers. What kind of animals are barred from racing in city limits in Key West FloridaA TurtlesIn North Andover Massachusetts its illegal to possess what kind of weaponA A Space GunHow do you tell the age of job dating credit agricole nord a horseIts teeth A longer olderWhat do most farmers use to tell their cattle apartAEar tagsImagine you are driving a bus. Q What kind of key opens a bananabr A A monkey. br brWish I were kidding. Q Why does the leopard find it difficult to hide and stalkbr A Because he is spotted always. Q What gets wetter the more it driesbr A A towel. But the attorney testified he didnt have a brother. br brWho was Fs last boyfriend before she dated youbr Who takes up the most room in bedbr What is hisher greatest fearbr What were your first impressions when you first lay eyes on him herbr Who made the first movebr Who gets the last word in an argumentbr What are you most likely to argue aboutbr over 30s muslim speed dating london Where did you go for your first datebr If you compare yourselves to any celebrity couple who do you think you most compare tobr If she could be a famous person who would your other half bebr If he could be anyone famous who would chinese dating japanese girl it bebr Who is hisher icon or who do they admire mostbr If you compare yourselves to any celebrity couple who do you think you most compare tobr What celebrity would you compare him her tobr Where was the wildestweirdest place you had sexbr If heshe was to lick a food off you what would it bebr Do you pet names for each other and your partsbr Have you ever bought Actual examples of men's good and bad online dating profiles anything from Ann SummersWhat christian boy dating muslim girl is lighter than a feather but not possible to hold for even a few mImagine that you were captured by cannibals and about to be eaten
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goes up when rain comes downbr A The umbrella. Q Why was the math book looking so miserablebr A Because its problems were seldom solved. Q Why was the belt sent to jailbr A Because it held up a pair of jeans. br brWho was it that said The internet is a good way to get on the Speed dating interviews netA Bob DoleWhat theologian claimed he could drive away the devil with a fartA Martin LutherHes walking on the sidewalk. easybr c. Q How many books can you put in a ft x ft empty backpack so that it is not empty anymorebr A One after that it is no more empty